GIGA Forum

Violence against Women – A Global Crisis




06:00 p.m. (CET)


07:15 p.m. (CET)

GIGA Forum Violence Against Women - A Global Crisis

  • Violence against women is a recurring issue on the public and human rights agendas, and one from which there seems to be no respite. To this day, girls and women continue to face various pervasive forms of gender-based discrimination and exclusion from social, educational, and political life. This structural oppression is compounded by domestic violence, disappearances, torture, and even murder, as perpetrated both by those close to the victims but also state authorities and members of organised crime. 

    In Mexico, for instance, an average of 11 women are murdered every day and over 25,000 are currently reported missing. Similarly, in Kenya more than a dozen girls and women have been murdered in the last few weeks alone. Women who have fled from the violence in their home countries are also discriminated against, however, suffering harm in the very places they seek refuge. 

    This GIGA Forum brings together experts to discuss the gender-based violence faced by women in different countries of the Global South, as well as women living in exile. We will shed light on the threats these girls and women encounter, and how these differ across countries. Alongside examining how different geographic contexts affect women’s security, it will also be asked what local actors as well as Europe can do to contribute to women’s empowerment.

    Speakers:  Dr. Carlo Koos is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the Department of Government of the University of Bergen. 

    Marcela Villalobos is a Doctoral Researcher at the University of México associated with the GIGA, an Activist, and a Human Rights Defender with Amnesty International. 

    Elizabeth Ngari is Representative of Women in Exile, Germany. 

    Dr. Julia Zulver is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas (UNAM, Mexico) and the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (Oxford, UK).  

    Moderator: Désirée Reder is a Research Fellow and Doctoral Researcher at the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies.


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