Johanna Pieper / Merike Blofield / Asma Khalifa

Policy Efforts on Gender-Based Violence during COVID-19

Infographic | 2023

  • The Infographic "Policy Efforts on Gender-based violence (GBV) during COVID-19" shows different actions, governments in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East have taken to combat gender-based violence.
    © GIGA / Anne Regier 2022


    How government policies on gender-based violence (GBV) are implemented in terms of services for victims varies considerably across countries. We examine policy infrastructures, including helplines, support centres, and shelters since the pandemic’s onset. Our project identifies progress and challenges around the provision of services for GBV survivors.


    Anne Regier

    Prof. Dr. Merike Blofield

    Prof. Dr. Merike Blofield

    Former GIGA Team member


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