GIGA Forum

Frauen in Parlamenten weltweit: Strategien für den Weg an die Spitze?




15:30 Uhr (UTC)


17:00 Uhr (UTC)

Video GIGA Forum "Women in Parliaments"

  • Across the world, women’s representation in parliaments varies widely. While in Rwanda and New Zealand women make up more than half of their respective country’s legislatures, in Nigeria and Japan, women comprise a small minority in parliament. In some countries, the number of women in legislatures is stagnating, whereas in South Africa and Senegal women have quickly attained high levels of parliamentary representation. What can we learn from different developments across the globe about how to increase the number of women in parliaments?

    In this GIGA Forum, experts discuss global differences regarding women’s representation in parliaments and its causes. Drawing on their expertise from different contexts in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East, they identify reasons for women’s political presence or exclusion, and assess strategies to increase the number of women in politics.

    Speakers: Prof. Dr. Gretchen Bauer is Professor at the University of Delaware, currently based at the Maria Sibylla Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA).

    Tara Krishnaswamy is the co-founder of Political Shakti, an organisation working to increase the number of women in Indian politics.

    Dr. Daniela Osorio Michel is a Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies.

    Prof. Dr. Marwa Shalaby is a Researcher in the departments of Gender and Women’s Studies and Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

    Cécile Weidhofer is the Director of the Helene Weber Kolleg, a network strengthening women in local politics in Germany.

    Moderator: Juliana Tappe Ortiz is a Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies.


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