Dr. Daniela Osorio Michel

Research Fellow | Research Team Spokesperson

Dr. Daniela Osorio Michel

  • Kurzer Lebenslauf

    I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the research project Democratic Institutions in the Global South (DEMINGS). I received my Ph.D. in Political Science from Vanderbilt University. Prior to Vanderbilt, I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the Universidad Mayor de San Simón. 

    My research focuses on questions of identity, public opinion, representation, and democracy. Using quantitative, qualitative, and experimental methodologies, I study the barriers women politicians face to achieving office. By applying a comparative perspective, I question the generalizability of conventional theories regarding women and politics.

    Aktuelle Forschung

    • Gender stereotypes and perceptions of political leadership
    • Determinants of women's representation
    • Gender political violence
    • Support for cash-transfer public policy
    • Identity politics and democracy

    Länder und Regionen

    • Latin America
    • South America
    • Andean region
    • Bolivia

    Dr. Daniela Osorio Michel

    Research Fellow / Research Team Spokesperson

    T. +49 (40) 42825-761[email protected]

    GIGA Focus Lateinamerika | 6/2023

    Crisis in the Andes: The Rise (and Fall?) of Two Women Leaders

    Frauen, oft als politische Außenseiterinnen gesehen, bringen in Krisen Erneuerung, stehen jedoch vor zusätzlichen Herausforderungen. Jeanine Añez und Dina Boluarte in Bolivien und Peru zeigen dies, mit möglichen Auswirkungen auf zukünftige weibliche politische Führungskräfte.

    Millennium: Journal of International Studies | 2023

    Feminism and Decolonizing Decoloniality: Decolonizing the Coloniality of Power in Aymara Cosmology

    This article demonstrates the import of feminist reflexivity for the decolonial project.

    Colombia Internacional | 11.2022

    ¿Legitimidades Fragmentadas?: Apoyo a la Democracia en la Región Andina

    Using recent data from two of the main sources of comparative public opinion available for Latin America, the AmericasBarometer and the World Values Survey, this work focuses on indicators of citizen support for democracy in 4 countries of the Andean region (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru), investigating the effect that government approval has on democracy’s evaluation.

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.05.2021 - 30.04.2026

    Democratic Institutions in the Global South (DEMINGS)

    This project contributes new knowledge on the functioning of democratic institutions in the Global South, their (in)efficacy to constrain powerful executives, and the effects of particular institutions on both democratic quality and regime stability. The focus is on countries with presidential constitutions, i.e., those with directly elected presidents, an institutional choice that extended worldwide in the last decades.
    Leibniz Competition, 2021-2026

    DW Latin America | Interview | 09.10.2024

    In Bolivia, a 'machista and misogynistic system' persists

    Deutsche Welle | Zitat | 24.05.2024

    América Latina, mujeres en el poder y violencia política

    Mexico is on the brink of presidential elections from which the first female president in its history could emerge. What role have women in power played and continue to play in Latin America? An overview.

    Deutsche Welle | Zitat | 21.03.2024

    The 2024 Census, a political and social powder keg for Bolivia

    German Institute for Global and Area Studies | 09.01.2025

    Trust in Elections and Corruption

    Organisation: German Institute for Global and Area Studies Dr. Daniela Osorio Michel (Panelbeitragende:r)

    As part of the Bicentennial of Bolivia Forum Cycle: A Journey Through 200 Years of Democracy, and hosted by renowned Bolivian journalist Mery Vaca, the Sumando Voces program addressed the topics of trust in elections and corruption, interviewing experts Daniela Osorio Michel, Daniel Moreno, and Dunia Sandoval. The program presented data from the report "Democracy in the Eyes of the People: 25 Years of Political Culture in Bolivia", with Osorio Michel authoring the chapter on perceptions of corruption.

    German Institute for Global and Area Studies | 20.09.2024

    Bolivian Studies Symposium

    The Jornada de Estudios Bolivianos was an academic event where scholars and professionals based in Germany, researching political issues concerning Bolivia, came together to present their work, exchange ideas, and gather feedback from peers. Participants shared their ongoing projects, fostering constructive discussions and collaboration. In addition to the presentations, the event aimed to build professional networks among those with a shared focus on Bolivia, encouraging future cooperation and interdisciplinary dialogue.

    Lehre | Willy Brandt School of Public Policy | 2023

    Project Group: Improving Local Representation - Lessons from the Global South

    Willy Brandt School of Public Policy Erfurt Deutschland

    Project Group Course at the Willy Brandt School, University of Erfurt, within the framework of the DEMINGS project


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