Jann Lay / Tevin Tafese

Africa's Emergent Tech Sector: Characteristics and Development Implications

Africa Spectrum | 2025

  • Abstract

    This study examines the characteristics of Africa's tech sector and its implications for development. Using a database of technology firms in Africa, we show that start-ups are increasingly attracting funding across Africa, especially in underdeveloped sectors such as finance, retail, and transportation. We then illustrate that African start-ups’ digital technologies are often tailored to local contexts to attract, connect, and retain customers. Finally, we discuss transmission channels and review the existing evidence on the impact of digital technologies, particularly platforms, in Africa. We conclude that digital platforms hold significant development potential by addressing key market and government failures, as documented for the expansion of mobile money, but that the impact of other platforms, such as e-commerce, may be more ambiguous than expected. Consequently, there is an urgent need for more evidence on the impact of emerging digital technologies on African individuals, firms, and farms to guide effective policy responses.



    Africa Spectrum



    GIGA Working Papers | 04.2023

    Africa’s Emergent Tech Sector: Its Characteristics and Impact on Development and Labour Markets

    Die Studie untersucht den afrikanischen Technologiesektor und dessen Einfluss auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Arbeitsmärkte. Mit Hilfe einer neuen Datenbank zeigen wir, wie afrikanische Start-ups durch lokal angepasste, "hausgemachte" digitale Technologien zunehmend zur Entwicklung beitragen.


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