Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra

Research Fellow

Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra

  • Kurzer Lebenslauf

    • Since 02/2023: Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies
    • 01/2022-01/2023: Associate at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies
    • 01/2021-12/2021: Visiting Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies
    • 03/2019-03/2020: Associate at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies
    • 09/2018-02/2019: Visiting Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies
    • 2017-2018: Visiting Faculty, Department of Political Science, Presidency University, India
    • 2014-2016: Visiting Faculty, Department of Political Science, Diamond Harbour Women's University, India
    • 2014-2015: Visiting Faculty, Department of Mass Communications and Journalism, NSHM Knowledge Campus, India
    • 2009-2010: Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Fellow, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Ohio State University, USA
    • Education: Ph.D in International Relations (Jadavpur University, India); M.A. in International Relations (Jadavpur University, India), and B.A. in Political Science (Hon.) (St. Xavier's College, University of Calcutta, India)

    Aktuelle Forschung

    • Geopolitics of Tech
    • Digital Politics
    • Digital Authoritarianism
    • Disinformation and Counter-Disinformation
    • AI and Internet Governance

    Länder und Regionen

    • South and Southeast Asia
    • India
    • Bangladesh
    • Indonesia
    • Singapore

    Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra

    Research Fellow

    T. +49 40 428874-40[email protected]

    Policypaper | 07.2024

    Regulation or Repression?: Government Influence on Political Content Moderation in India and Thailand

    Governments and tech companies worldwide periodically clash over what content is acceptable to post online and who gets to decide. As states exert legal, economic, and political pressure on social media platforms and users to control online conversations, the platforms frequently seek to push back.

    GIGA Focus Asien | 3/2024

    India after the 2024 Elections: Trends and Implications

    Indien wählt ein neues Parlament und stellt damit die politischen Weichen für die nächsten fünf Jahre. GIGA-Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler analysieren den Wahlkampf und die innen- und außenpolitischen Folgen des größten Wahlgangs der Welt.

    GIGA Focus Global | 1/2024

    Repression by Legal Means: Governments’ Anti-Fake News Lawfare

    Die Anti-Fake-News-Gesetzgebung verstärkt die Kontrolle über die Zivilgesellschaft und untergräbt deren demokratische Grundrechte. Die Muster dieser juristischen Repression und die damit verbundenen Gegenstrategien in Süd- und Südostasien werden als Vorreiter globaler Entwicklungen untersucht.

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.02.2024 - 31.12.2025

    Digital Transformation Lab (DigiTraL), Phase II: Digitalisierung als Chance für Kooperationen mit globalen Partnern

    Das vom Auswärtigen Amt geförderte Digital Transformation Lab (DigiTraL) des GIGA analysiert die politischen Treiber und Konsequenzen der globalen digitalen Transformation. Dabei ist insbesondere der Globale Süden ein wichtiger Akteur und Gestalter dieses Wandels.
    FFO, 2024-2025

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.02.2023 - 31.01.2025

    Mapping and Strengthening Civil Society Response to Disinformation

    Governments in autocratic and autocratizing contexts may use anti-fake news laws to discredit critical civil society actors as agents of “disinformation” and punish them. Through comparative and cross-learning insights derived from field studies, we seek to map civil society responses against the autocratic use of disinformation laws and strengthen policies for right to information and freedom of speech and expression.
    NED, 2023-2025

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

    Strengthening Civil Society Against the Weaponization of Anti-Fake News Laws: A Comparison of Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Thailand

    In an age of proliferating disinformation, governments in South and Southeast Asia have come out with anti-fake news laws. However, the “weaponization" of such laws can lead governments to control online platforms and censor critics. Our project examines the patterns and processes of the weaponization of such laws against civic actors and countermeasures by the latter. We aim for academic and policy outcomes to improve disinformation regulation while safeguarding digital rights.
    Luminate, 2023-2024

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.01.2021 - 30.04.2022

    Digital Surveillance and Understanding Its Chilling Effect on Journalists: Finding Strategies and Solutions to Safely Seek and Share Information Online

    As democracies are getting increasingly digitalized, digital surveillance can impact the freedom of the press and of speech and expression. Surveillance may also shape the creation and flow of information and the formation of public opinion. This project examines how surveillance affects a major information agent: journalists.
    Mozilla Foundation, 2021-2022

    Boom Live | Kommentar / Gastbeitrag | 05.08.2024

    Mass Surveillance: Indian Railways Use Facial Recognition Tech And AI

    Mass surveillance in public transport systems, touted for safety of passengers, can violate their rights when intrusive AI-enabled Facial Recognition Technology is used. India is deploying such tech in large scale. Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra comments on the risks and suggests a countermeasure in this article.

    DW News | Interview | 22.12.2022

    DW News, School Surveillance in India Prompts Data Protection Concerns, 22/12/2022

    The interview addresses the need for institutionalisation and standardisation of best parctices of privacy safeguards as digital surveillance through the use of CCTV cameras in schools in New Delhi, India, get routinised.

    The Morning Context | Zitat | 04.09.2021

    How India surveils its citizens

    Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung e.V. | 19.03.2025

    Trump für den Weltfrieden? Auswirkungen der US-Politik auf Konflikte in der ganzen Welt

    Organisation: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung e.V. Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra (Vortragende:r)

    Invited Speaker of Keynote Panel of the Annual Conference of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies on "Between Fake News, Hostility to Democracy, and Scientific Skepticism: Which Concepts and Practices Are Needed for Peace and Conflict Studies"

    Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik | 18.11.2024 - 19.11.2024

    Talk on 'Securing Digital Societies' at the 17th Berlin Conference on Asian Security

    Organisation: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra (Vortragende:r)

    This invited talk was on 'Securing Digital Societies' at the 17th Berlin Conference on Asian Security. The Conference comprised experts from Europe, Asia, and the United States to examine the domestic factors shaping economic, foreign and security policies of countries across the Indo-Pacific.

    Workshop | 03.07.2024 - 05.07.2024

    Paper Presentation at EWIS 2024, WS42 on India's New Developmentalism and Its Discontents

    EWIS 2024: The 11th European Workshops in International Studies (EISA), Istanbul Organisation: European International Studies Association Dr. Sangeeta Mahapatra (Vortragende:r)

    Paper Presentation at EWIS 2024, WS42: India's New Developmentalism and Its Discontents. Paper is on "Datafied Citizenship: How Data Authoritarianism Impacts the Concept of Citizenship in India".


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