Leonardo Bandarra / Miriam Prys-Hansen / Jo-Ansie van Wyk / Layla Dawood / Monica Herz / Nir Hassid / Harsh V. Pant / Shounak Set

Global South Perspectives on a Global Ban on Nuclear Weapons: A Comparative Approach

GIGA Working Papers | 2022

  • Abstract

    Banning nuclear weapons is an aspiration at the core of most disarmament and non-proliferation initiatives. It gained new momentum with the "Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons." The negotiation of that treaty, and its subsequent approval and entry into force, sheds light on the complexities and dissent surrounding diverse regional perspectives on the appropriate means and timing regarding the elimination of nuclear weapons and establishing a related global norm. Scholars from different academic backgrounds and epistemological standpoints jointly discuss these perspectives through lenses from Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and South Asia. We seek to discuss how regional issues may shape global non-proliferation and disarmament politics, with a focus on the nuclearweapon-ban norm. This debate also reveals the broad trends and patterns organising and driving the current shifts in the global nuclear order, such as interrelations between regional and global institutions as well as domestic politics and decision-making.


    GIGA Working Papers






    German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)



    Dr. Leonardo Bandarra

    Dr. Leonardo Bandarra

    Ehemals Associate

    Prof. Dr. Jo-Ansie van Wyk

    Prof. Dr. Jo-Ansie van Wyk

    Universität von Südafrika

    Prof. Dr. Layla Dawood

    Prof. Dr. Layla Dawood

    Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Prof. Dr. Monica Herz

    Prof. Dr. Monica Herz

    Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Nir Hassid

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Nir Hassid

    אוניברסיטת תל אביב

    Prof. Dr. Harsh V. Pant

    Prof. Dr. Harsh V. Pant

    King’s College London

    Dr. Shounak Set

    Dr. Shounak Set

    King’s College London



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