Maria Josua

The Legitimation of Repression in Autocracies

Kapitel in Sammelband | 2021

  • Perceptions of State-Society Relations

    Workshop | 23.10.2024 - 24.10.2024

    Perceptions of State-Society Relations

    Perceptions of State-Society Relations, MECAM, Tunis Dr. Maria Josua (Organisator:in)

    This workshop tackled the question of state-society relations in the Maghreb from a historical perspective. Focusing on the late phase of the rule of Ben Ali, the contributors investigated the interrelationship of communication and control between societal and state actors. Comparative analyses embedded the historical findings from Tunisia into the bigger picture of developments in the MENA.

    Workshop | 17.06.2023

    Workshops on Middle East Politics: Media, Information and Digitization

    Workshops on Middle East Politics: Media, Information and Digitization, University of Tübingen, Tübingen Organisation: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Dr. Maria Josua (Panelbeitragende:r)

    Maria Josua participated in the Workshops on Middle East Politics in Tübingen with an input on "Media responsibility vis-à-vis autocratic discourse and disinformation in the digital age" on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the CMEPS Master Program of The American University in Cairo and the University of Tübingen.


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