Dr. Hakkı Taş

Research Fellow

Dr. Hakkı Taş

  • Kurzer Lebenslauf

    • Since 2/2018: Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies

    • 2017 - 2018: Philipp Schwartz Fellow, Institute for Intercultural and International Studies, University of Bremen

    • 2016 - 2017: The Swedish Institute Fellow, Department of Strategy, Security, and Leadership, Swedish Defence University

    • 2013 - 2016: Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Ipek University

    • 2012 - 2013: Visiting Scholar. Department of Political Science, American University in Cairo

    • 2007 - 2008: Visiting Research Assistant, Department of Political Science, Yale University

    • 2003 - 2007: Research Assistant, Department of Political Science, Bilkent University

    • Education: PhD, Political Science, Bilkent University; MA, Political Science and Public Administration, Bilkent University; BA, Political Science and Public Administration, Bilkent University

    Aktuelle Forschung

    • Democratization

    • Civil-Military Relations

    • Political Islam

    • Identity Politics in the Middle East

    • Power and Resistance

    Länder und Regionen

    • Turkey

    • Egypt

    Dr. Hakkı Taş

    Research Fellow

    T. +49 40 42825-537[email protected]

    Kapitel in Sammelband | 2024

    Beyond the Soft–Hard Power Binary: Resource Control in Turkey's Foreign Policy Towards Sub-Saharan Africa

    Using the case of Turkey’s Africa policy, this article argues for adopting a process-oriented approach to analysing the foreign policies of (autocratising) states by focusing on the foreign policy situations in which they mobilize power resources; and the extent to which they attempt to gain control over societal power resources.

    Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies | 2024

    Beyond the Soft–Hard Power Binary: Resource Control in Turkey’s Foreign Policy Towards Sub-Saharan Africa

    Using the case of Turkey’s Africa policy under the AKP, this article challenges this reading and its underlying conceptual assumptions.

    International Relations | 2024

    Infrastructural Power in Foreign Policy: Conceptualising States’ Efforts to Mobilise Non-state Actors

    This article translates Michael Mann’s notion of infrastructural power into the foreign policy realm and develops a conceptual framework that allows for the systematic treatment of states’ strategic efforts at mobilising domestic non-state actors.

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.04.2021 - 31.03.2024

    World Order Narratives of the Global South (WONAGO)

    The decades since the late twentieth century are marked by the end of the bipolar world order and the rise of countries of the Global South. Most explanations focus on political and economic power shifts and do not pay much attention to ideas of order, especially those prevalent in the Global South. To provide a more inclusive perspective, this project researches world order narratives in Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Asia. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of its Area Studies strategy.
    BMBF, 2021-2024

    Deutsche Welle | Zitat | 13.03.2024

    Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Zieht er sich aus der Politik zurück?

    Vor den Kommunalwahlen in der Türkei stellt Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan seinen Rückzug aus der Politik in Aussicht - erneut spricht er davon, dass dies seine letzten Wahlen seien. Was steckt dahinter?

    WDR COSMO | Interview | 23.01.2024

    Kızıl Goncalar - Türkiye’de tarikat eleştirisi tabu mu?

    Dr. Hakkı Taş discusses the religious orders in Turkey, their impact on Germany, and the reactions to the "Kızıl Goncalar" series. 

    LSE Blog | Artikel | 27.10.2023

    Navigating Exile: Responses from the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood

    Between 2021 and 2023, we intermittently undertook fieldwork in Istanbul, centring on the experiences of both past and present members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Our aim was to discern their responses to exile.

    Podiumsdiskussion | 27.10.2023

    The Same-Old New Turkey: The Contours of Turkish Politics from Atatürk to Erdoğan

    Book Launch: A Companion to Modern Turkey's Centennial: Political, Sociological, Economic and Institutional Transformations since 1923, Istanbul Policy Center, Istanbul Dr. Hakkı Taş (Vortragende:r)

    Within a perpetual state of newness reverberating throughout regimes dubbed ‘Enverland’, 'Kemalland', and then ‘Erdoğanland’, this talk rather focuses on the old habits that inform both the substance and the style of Turkish politics

    Konferenz | 12.09.2022 - 17.09.2022

    Same Path, Different Routes: Legitimation of Repression in Turkey and Egypt

    Deutscher Orientalistentag 2022, FU Berlin, Berlin Organisation: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Freie Universität Berlin Dr. Hakkı Taş (Vortragende:r)

    Two transnational Islamic movements, Turkey’s Gülen Movement and Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, have faced massive crackdown at home, with its repercussions abroad. This paper focuses on how both Turkey and Egypt navigate a versatile strategy for the legitimation of repression depending on the target audience.

    Lehre | Universität Hamburg | 2023

    Comparative Politics of the Middle East

    This course seeks to offer students with a comparative historical perspective and introduce them to competing theoretical approaches in order to critically comprehend the Middle East’s past and present.


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