Dr. Clara-Auguste Süß

Research Fellow | MECAM Outreach & Transfer Manager

Dr. Clara-Auguste Süß

  • Short CV

    • Since 05/2024: MECAM Outreach & Transfer Manager
    • 05/2024-09/2024: Lecturer at Goethe University Frankfurt
    • 09/2023-04/2024: Research Associate at Goethe University Frankfurt, Professorship of Political Science, especially
      Radicalisation and Violence Research
    • 2019-2023: Doctoral Researcher and Research Fellow at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)
    • 10/2022-11/2022: Visiting Researcher at the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), Centre on Social Movement Studies (Cosmos), Florence/Italy
    • 04/2022-09/2022: Lecturer at the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS) at Philipps University Marburg
    • 2018-2020: Research Associate at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)


    • Education: B.A. in Political Science at Technical University of Dresden (2011-2014), M.A. in Political Science at Philipps University Marburg (2014-2017); PhD dissertation "Radicalization of the Marginalized? Dynamics of Islamist Radicalization in Tunisia post-2011" at Goethe University Frankfurt (2019-2023)

    Current Research

    • Social movements and mobilization
    • Social (in)justice and marginalization
    • Islamist radicalization and political violence
    • Political transformation and regime change

    Countries and Regions

    • Tunisia
    • Maghreb

    Dr. Clara-Auguste Süß

    Research Fellow / MECAM Outreach & Transfer Manager

    T. +49 40 42825-714clara.suess@giga-hamburg.de

    Chapter in Edited Volume | 2024

    Demokratie unter Druck: Politische Extremismen und hybride Ideologien

    In Deutschland verlieren demokratische Institutionen an Vertrauen und erhalten autoritäre und extremistische Gruppen Zulauf. Der friedliche Konfliktaustrag und das demokratische Zusammenleben sind dadurch nachhaltig herausgefordert. Seit Langem bestehende Ausprägungen des Extremismus sind weiterhin präsent.

    Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (ZeFKo) | 2022

    One Crisis among Many: Russia’s War in Ukraine and Its Implications for the Mena Region

    Orient: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik und Wirtschaft des Orients | 2021

    Socio-Economic Factors of Radicalisation in Tunisia and Egypt: What We (Don’t) Know

    Research Project | 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2029

    Merian Center for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM): Imagining Futures - Dealing with Disparity, Phase II

    The Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) based in Tunis is the first and only Institute for Advanced Studies in North Africa. MECAM’s ambition is to become an intellectual hub that contributes to the emergence of cutting-edge, internationally relevant and visible research in the humanities and social sciences on, from and in the Maghreb and in particular with scholars from the Maghreb. The GIGA coordinates MECAM's publications as well as outreach and transfer activities.
    BMBF, 2023-2029


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