Dr. Sebastian Renner


Dr. Sebastian Renner

  • Short CV

    • Since 05/2020: Associate at the GIGA Institute of African Affairs

    • Since 05/2020: Research Fellow at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change

    • 08/2018 - 04/2020: Speaker Research Team "Sustainable Development"

    • 01/2018 - 04/2020: Research Fellow , GIGA Institute of Asian Studies

    • Since 2016: Postdoc at University of Göttingen in Collaborative Research Centre 990: Ecological and Socioeconomic Functions of Tropical Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)

    • Since 2012: Consultant, World Bank

    • 2011 - 2017: Research Fellow, GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies

    • Education: Doctorate at Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Dr.rer.pol. (summa cum laude), Dissertation title „Poverty, Inequality and the Decarbonization of Economic Development“; Master in Economics (Diplom-Volkswirt) at Freie Universität Berlin and University of California, San Diego

    Current Research

    • Environmental and development economics

    • Poverty reduction and low carbon economic development

    Countries and Regions

    • Sub-Saharan Africa


    • Poverty, Inequality and the Decarbonization of Economic Development

    Dr. Sebastian Renner


    [email protected]

    Environmental Research Letters | 2024

    Smallholder RSPO Certification, Economic Benefits and Agrochemical Use

    Sustainability standards in palm oil production aim to increase economic benefits for smallholders while mitigating environmental harm, but do they achieve these objectives? We study the effects of the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standard on smallholders in Jambi, Indonesia.

    Dr. Nunung Nuryartono

    Dr. Aiyen Tjoa

    Dr. Marife D. Corre

    Research Project | 16/07/2013 - 01/12/2016

    Climate Change Mitigation and Poverty Reduction (CliMiP) – Trade-Offs or Win-Win Situations?

    This project analyses the relationship between climate change mitigation and poverty reduction in Mexico, South Africa and Thailand as middle-income countries with rising GHG emissions. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, the assessment of domestic climate governance systems is combined with an investigation of the poverty and distributional impacts of mitigation policies. A third perspective, international relations, contextualizes these domestics factors within the global discourse on developing country mitigation.
    Volkswagen Foundation, 2013-2016

    GIGA Talk | 23/02/2017

    Auf die Entwicklungsländer kommt es an: Klimaschutz nach dem Abkommen von Paris

    Auf die Entwicklungsländer kommt es an: Klimaschutz nach dem Abkommen von Paris, GIGA Berlin, Berlin Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Prof. Dr. Jann Lay (Moderator), Dr. Sebastian Renner (Speaker), Alexandra Endres (Discussant), Dr. Martin Kipping (Discussant)

    Auf die Entwicklungsländer kommt es an: Klimaschutz nach dem Abkommen von Paris. Vortrag und Diskussion

    Alexandra Endres

    Dr. Martin Kipping


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