Dr. Malte Michael Lierl


Dr. Malte Michael Lierl

  • Short CV

    • Since 11/2017: Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute of African Affairs

    • 2015 - 2017: Yale University, Postdoctoral Associate am MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, Academic Associate Director der Yale Africa Initiative, Lecturer in Political Science

    • 2009 - 2015: Yale University, PhD in Political Science

    • 2007 - 2009: Weltbank, Africa Impact Evaluation Initiative (AFTRL)

    • Education: Ph.D. Political Science, Yale University; M.A. Statistics, Yale University; M.Phil. Political Science, Yale University; M.A. Economics, Syracuse University; M.A.I.R., Syracuse University (Maxwell School); B.A. International Relations, Technische Universität Dresden

    • More Information

    Current Research

    • Experimental political economics: social preferences, norm-oriented behaviour, and social incentives of political decision makers

    • Political accountability

    • Corruption and abuse of power

    • Civic engagement and voter behaviour

    • Policy innovation and experimentation

    Countries and Regions

    • Africa

    Dr. Malte Michael Lierl


    [email protected]

    Development Policy Review | 11/2021

    To Understand the Implications of Different Aid Modalities, We Need to Analyse the Bargaining Logic between Donors and Recipient Governments

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Haley J. Swedlund

    Department of Political Science, Radboud University

    Foreign Policy | 10/2021

    Aid to Afghanistan Won't Moderate the Taliban

    Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August, foreign aid has frequently been framed as a possible lever the international community can use to push them to moderate their rule. The authors state, that international assistance isn’t the political lever many hope it will be.

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Haley J. Swedlund

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Romain Malejacq

    Deutsche Welle | Interview | 13/08/2023

    El golpe de Estado en el país africano esconde una lucha geoestratégica

    Entrevista de Deutsche Welle con el Dr. Lierl (GIGA) sobre los acontecimientos políticos en el Sahel. 

    NDR Info | Interview | 11/08/2023

    Niger: "Man wird sich an den Verhandlungstisch setzen"

    NDR Info interviews Dr. Malte Lierl on the politics of the Niger coup and external intervention in the Sahel.

    Tagesschau | Interview | 07/08/2023

    Der Putsch in Niger und Russlands wachsender Einfluss in der Sahelzone

    Tagesschau background report on European engagement in the Sahel, based on an interview with Dr. Malte Lierl (GIGA).

    GIGA Talk | 21/08/2019

    Krisenregion Sahel – die unterschätzte Herausforderung

    Krisenregion Sahel – die unterschätzte Herausforderung, GIGA Berlin, Berlin Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Robert Dölger (Panelist), Dr. Malte Michael Lierl (Panelist), Melina Kalfelis (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Matthias Basedau (Moderator)

    The Sahel crisis region - the underestimated challenge

    Nacht des Wissens | 20/06/2019 - 23/06/2019

    Hamburg's Summer of Knowledge 2019

    Hamburg's Summer of Knowledge 2019, Hamburg Organisers: Hamburg Ministry of Science, Research, and Equality , German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach (Speaker), Dr. Christiane Fröhlich (Speaker), Dr. Malte Michael Lierl (Speaker), Dr. Jan Priebe (Speaker), Dr. André Bank (Speaker)

    Hamburger Sommer des Wissens 2019. Programmpunkte des GIGA

    Teaching | Yale University | 2017

    Governance in Africa

    Yale University New Haven, CT United States


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