Julia Köbrich / Borja Martinović / Tobias H. Stark / Lisa Hoffmann

Interreligious contact and attitudes in Togo and Sierra Leone: The role of ingroup norms and individual preferences (CATSL)

Dataset | GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

  • Description

    The published data and documents provide information to replicate the analyses of the paper "Interreligious contact and attitudes in Togo and Sierra Leone: The role of ingroup norms and individual preferences" by Julia Köbrich, Borja Martinović and Tobias Stark that will be published in Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Data were collected as part of the project 'Religion for Peace: Identifying Conditions and Mechanisms of Interfaith Peace' conducted at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies funded by the German Research Foundation. The data include information for two independent samples on descriptive and injunctive norms, individual preferences for similar others, close contact, positive and negative casual contact, interreligious attitudes as well as demographic information. The R-syntax replicates analyses for Study 1 and Study 2 reported in the paper and its online supplement.

    Research Programmes

    Hosting Institution

    GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences


    Open / with registration

    Geographical coverage

    Togo and Sierra Leone

    Mode of data collection

    Face-to-face interview:CAPI(Computer Assisted Personal Interview)/CAMI(Computer Assisted Mobile Interviews)


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