Babette Never / Joachim Betz

Comparing the Climate Policy Performance of Emerging Economies

World Development | 2014

  • Journal

    World Development





    Babette Never

    Babette Never

    Former Doctoral Researcher

    GIGA Focus International Edition English | 4/2015

    Collective Self-Blockade? Why the UN Climate Conference in Paris Could Fail

    Babette Never

    Former Doctoral Researcher

    GIGA Focus International Edition English | 8/2015

    Brazil and the Durban Platform. Ambitions and Expectations

    Markus Fraundorfer

    Former Doctoral Researcher

    Florian Rabitz

    GIGA Focus Asia | 4/2016

    Fossil Energy Remains Dominant in Asia

    Sören Scholvin

    Former GIGA Team member


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