Nora Kürzdörfer

Dystopische Visionen für eine utopische Zukunft

Internationale Politik | 2024

  • Abstract

    Communism only lasted until the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the end of history was not far off either. Are we running out of ideas for the future? No. But in order to create positive images of future coexistence, we must learn to look ahead more courageously. Risks and side effects included.

    Read the essay here (in German)


    GIGA researcher Nora Kürzdörfer has been awarded the Sylke Tempel Essay Prize 2024 by Women in International Security Germany and the journal Internationale Politics (IP) for her essay ‘Dystopian visions for a utopian future’.

    The theme of this year's competition was ‘German Interests’ and revolved around the questions of how Germany sees its place in the world and what should or could be done to safeguard its interests in a changing international environment. The prize is awarded to the best text submitted by a woman under 35 on the subject of international security. The prize honours the journalist, publicist and mentor Sylke Tempel (1963 - 2017), who shaped the view of international security in Germany as chairwoman of and editor-in-chief of IP.

    Nora Kürzdörfer receives prize money of 1,500 euros as well as the opportunity of a Junior Associate Fellowship at the NATO Defense College. Her article will be published in the November/December issue of IP. The GIGA team congratulates Nora Kürzdörfer on this great honour!

    Dr. Nora Kürzdörfer

    Dr. Nora Kürzdörfer

    Former GIGA Team member

    [email protected]

    Logo of the Sylke Tempel Essay Prize

    Award | Women in International Security | 2024

    Sylke Tempel Essay Prize 2024

    For her essay "Dystopische Visionen für eine utopische Zukunft" (Dystopian visions for a utopian future) Nora Kürzdörfer has been awarded the 2024 Sylke Tempel Essay Prize by Women in International Security Germany ( and the journal Internationale Politik (IP).

    Dr. Nora Kürzdörfer

    Former GIGA Team member


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