In Brief | 28/05/2024

News of the GIGA Doctoral Programme

Learn more about the activities of our Doctoral Researchers in the past month.

  • Ardahan Gedikli gave a short interview on May 3 on the subject of „Nach Kolumbien stellt jetzt auch die Türkei die Handelsbeziehungen zu Israel ein. Brechen Israel die Unterstützer weg?“ to the Saarländischer Rundfunk. He commented on Turkey’s foreign policy and the broader reactions of the Global South to Israel’s war on Gaza.

    Mahima Duggal and Adhiraaj Anand wrote a GIGA Focus Asia titled “India after the 2024 Elections: Trends and Implications” in collaboration with the 'India team' colleagues at IAS: Sangeeta Mahapatra, Johannes Plagemann, Joachim Betz, and Miriam Prys-Hansen. Moreover, Mahima co-authored an op-ed for The Diplomat with Dr Jagannath Panda. She also started her term as a Fellow of the Asia Pacific Leadership Programme at the East West Centre, for which she will be heading to Hawaii next month, as well as her term as a Pacific Young Leader with the Pacific Forum.

    Eduardo Tamaki is organizing together with Nina Wiesehomeier (IE University) a Special Issue for the Journal of Politics in Latin America, which will focus on the rise of Populist Radical Right parties and leaders in Latin America. He is also organizing and will chair a workshop on "Comparative Political Institutions" at the NoPSA Congress in Bergen in June. Moreover, he will participate in the MethodsNET Summer School on Social Research Methods. On May 29-30, he will present the first paper of his thesis, a paper on the activation of populist attitudes, at the Global Forum on Democracy and Development Regional Networking and Team Populism Joint Conference at the CEU in Budapest.

    GIGA Doctoral Programme

    The GIGA has a long tradition of integrating young researchers into its research structure. This tradition culminated in the establishment of the GIGA Doctoral Programme. This programme seeks to provide a platform for young, international, and German academics, from which they can pursue their research and professional development, particularly in the field of comparative area studies (CAS).

    Doctoral Programme


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