Award | 27/07/2017

GIGA Researcher Honoured with Dissertation Prize

Julia Strasheim has been honoured with the prestigious Körber Foundation’s German Dissertation Award. She received the first prize in the social sciences section for her outstanding dissertation on securing peace after violent conflicts.

Picture of Julia Strasheim
© Körber-Stiftung / David Ausserhofer

At the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Julia Strasheim researches post-war states and institutional reforms. Her dissertation, which examines the significance of transitional governments for long-term peace efforts, has been awarded the renowned German Dissertation Award of the Körber Foundation. Strasheim won the top prize in the social sciences section.

For her dissertation, the political scientist and conflict researcher evaluated 62 transitional governments in power from 1989 to 2012; it represents the first statistical analysis of the link between transitional governments and peace in post-war societies. Using three qualitative case studies of Nepal, Angola, and Cambodia, Strasheim also shows in detail what characteristics in a transitional government engender sustainable peace. The finding: When transitional governments swiftly disarm the conflict parties and rapidly facilitate civilian ways of life, dissolve parallel wartime command structures, and incorporate civil society actors into the transitional government these governments can succeed in preventing the old conflicts from re-emerging. The dissertation thus provides peace-building with new, important findings.

Associated with prize money of EUR 25,000, the German Dissertation Award, conferred by the Körber Foundation, is among the most highly remunerated awards in Germany for up-and-coming scholars. It is awarded annually in three categories to substantive and innovative dissertations of especially noteworthy societal significance. Norbert Lammert, president of the German Parliament, is the award’s patron.

Further information: Publication: Interim Governments and the Stability of Peace Körber Foundation press release


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