In Brief | 25/01/2022

GIGA President Professor Amrita Narlikar receives personal Republic Day Felicitations from India’s Prime Minister Modi

To mark the occasion of India's Republic Day, Prime Modi Narendra Modi sent a personalised letter to Professor Amrita Narlikar, thanking her for her affection for India and recognising her contribution towards bringing countries and cultures closer together through her work in international relations.

  • Letter
    © Amrita Narlikar

    Republic Day, 26 January, marks the date on which the Constitution of India came into being in 1950, turning the nation into the fully sovereign Republic of India. This year, India celebrates the 75th anniversary of its independence from colonial rule by Great Britain, making this Republic Day 2022 a very special one.

    To mark this occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent personalised letters to a few “friends of India”, recognizing their contributions to their relevant fields of expertise and appreciating their affection towards India.

    In his letter to Professor Amrita Narlikar, the Prime Minister writes:

    “…The world's future is being written by people like you, who enhance its intellectual capital and ensure our coming generations benefit from it.

    It is said that knowledgeable people belong not only to their own country but also to the world. Your work as an academic in the domain of international relations in bringing countries and cultures closer is appreciated.”

    The initiative to reach out to “eminent personalities” has received considerable coverage in Indian media. Under the title “Indian connect”, for instance, the Hindustan Times reported on this welcome outreach to a select group of people of international repute, as part of the government’s anniversary celebrations.

    German Institute for Global and Area Studies | 08/11/2021

    The Indo-German Partnership in a Changing World

    Organiser: German Institute for Global and Area Studies Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar (Panelist, Chair), Dr. Samir Saran (Panelist), Ambassador Walter Lindner (Panelist), Dr. Almut Möller (Moderator)

    GIGA President Prof Amrita Narlikar chaired and discussed with Ambassador Walter Lindner and Dr. Samir Saran the long-standing partnership that India and Germany share from a historical perspective. Furthermore, they identified common interests, the potential for joint future action, and the role their interaction could play on the global stage. Almut Möller (State Secretary and Representative of Hamburg) moderated the event. Video of the event available.

    Dr. Samir Saran

    Ambassador Walter Lindner


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