GIGA Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series

GIGA Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series

The GIGA Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series sees the finest minds from academia and policymaking from around the globe join forces with the Institute, striving to stimulate public exchange on key global developments.

This series of lectures by top scholars and leading practitioners was initiated with funds from the Federal Foreign Office and inaugurated at City Hall by the Hamburg Senate. We look forward to continuing these important conversations with our esteemed guests in the years to come.

  • GIGA Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series | 12/09/2023 - 12/12/2023

    Global Digital Transformation

    The GIGA Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series brings leading minds from the realms of academia and policymaking from all over the world to the Institute to stimulate public exchange on key global developments. In 2023, we tackled the global digital transformation from diverse angles and offered innovative perspectives on this societal realignment. Upcoming next, 12 December: Prof. Dr. Olubukola S. Adesina will speak on "Digital Diplomacy and African Countries: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Prospects ".

    GIGA Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series | 27/04/2021

    Digital Diplomacy: Shaping Global Transformation

    The German Federal Foreign Office has put forth a comprehensive digitalisation strategy. The GIGA is proud to bring to you the two senior diplomats in charge of this policy. In their lecture, Ambassador Dr. Regine Grienberger and Ambassador Dr. Hinrich Thölken will address urgent matters of cyber foreign policy and the hopeful promise of digital transformation. Video of the event available.


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