GIGA Forum

Scientific Cooperation with China and India: Opportunities and Challenges for German Research Institutions




05:00 p.m. (UTC)


06:15 p.m. (UTC)

Video Forum Wissenschaftskooperation China Indien

  • China’s leading position in many fields of research and technology makes cooperating with the country a very attractive proposition for German universities and research institutes. India’s progress in areas such as sustainability, biotechnology, and materials science also represent a sound starting point for cooperation. However, the risks of pursuing international cooperation have recently been discussed too, as resulting from the different orientations of respective national science systems. To avoid security-related risks in cooperation with China, for example, due-diligence procedures are recommended. In addition, international cooperation as a whole should be more strategic and values-based.   

    This GIGA Forum will shed light on the dynamics of cooperation with partners from China and India, drawing on the insights of experts from research and science management:   

    • What does the science and technology development trajectory look like in these two Asian countries? How are German universities and research institutes as well as politicians reacting to these emerging pathways?   

    • What political and ethical risks and hurdles must be faced in cooperation with both academic institutions and individual scientists from China and India? How can they be best overcome?  

    • What specific opportunities does cooperation between German research institutions and China and India partners offer us today? What are the prospects for further cooperation? 

    Speakers:   Dr. Fabian Falter is Science Manager at RWTH Aachen University, Department of International Strategy, Strategic Projects and Activities India.

    Dr. Katja Lasch is Director of the India Office at the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Director of the DIWH in New Delhi. 

    Yannick Ringot is Project Coordinator of the Hamburg Network on Compliance in Cooperation with China (HNC³) at the University of Hamburg.

    Hans Westphal is Director of the German Office of the Indo-German Science and Technology Centre (IGSTC) of DLR Projektträger. 

    Moderator: Dr. Margot Schüller is an Associate at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies.


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