Dr. Saskia P. Ruth-Lovell


Dr. Saskia P. Ruth-Lovell

  • Kurzer Lebenslauf

    • Seit 02/2020: Associate am GIGA Institut für Lateinamerika-Studien und Assistant Professor am Department of Political Science, Radboud University Nijmegen

    • 12/2017 - 01/2020: Research Fellow, GIGA Institut für Lateinamerika-Studien, Hamburg

    Aktuelle Forschung

    • Klientelismus und Sozialpolitik in Mexiko

    • Ursachen und Folgen des Populismus in vergleichender Perspektive

    • Qualität der repräsentativen Demokratie und die Messbarkeit von Demokratie

    Länder und Regionen

    • Lateinamerika


    • Harrison Prize 2018, Political Studies Association (PSA), 2019

    Dr. Saskia P. Ruth-Lovell


    Datensatz | 2019

    Political Representation, Executives, and Political Parties Survey: Data from Expert Surveys in 18 Latin American Countries, 2018-2019. PREPPS Latam V1

    Data from an expert survey on policy positioning and linkage mechanisms in 18 Latin American countries. Please see Conditions & Codebook for more details


    Nina Wiesehomeier

    Dr. Matthew Singer

    Sammelband | Rowman & Littlefield | 10.2019

    Clientelism and Democratic Representation in Comparative Perspective

    Maria Spiroca

    Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft | 2019

    Party Institutionalization as Multilevel Concept: Base- versus Elite-Level Routinization

    Nicole Bolleyer

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2022

    Democracy and Games: Analog and Digital Game-Based-Learning Tools for Youth Work (DEMOGAMES)

    DEMOGAMES is a Youth in Action project within the Erasmus+ framework. Through the development of several analogue and digital games, the project will advance knowledge transfer in the field of democracy education. Democracy education enables young people to recognize and represent their interests, to participate in political processes and, in doing so, to meet their fellow human beings and their concerns with respect. The project addresses these issues and uses the didactic approach of game-based learning to engage young citizens with respect to learning about, through and for democracy.
    EC, Erasmus+, 2019-2022

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.01.2017 - 01.12.2019

    Political Representation, Parties and Presidents Survey

    PREPPS measures policy positioning and democratic linkage mechanisms in Latin American presidential systems, using expert surveys. Our 2018/2019 Latin American expert survey data allows for a comprehensive comparative assessment of policy dimensions for a large number of parties and presidents across 18 Latin American countries in conjunction with mechanisms of accountability and modes of competition.
    IE Universiry, University of Conneticut, GIGA, 2017-2019

    GIGA Talk | 18.09.2019

    Die populistische Herausforderung in der Außenpolitik: Welche Kommunikationsstrategien sind erfolgreich?

    Die populistische Herausforderung in der Außenpolitik: Welche Kommunikationsstrategien sind erfolgreich?, GIGA Berlin, Berlin Organisation: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Prof. Dr. Miriam Prys-Hansen (Moderator:in), Dr. Saskia P. Ruth-Lovell (Panelbeitragende:r), Dr. Johannes Plagemann (Panelbeitragende:r), Moritz Müller-Wirth (Diskutant:in), Botschafter Andreas Kindl (Diskutant:in)

    Die populistische Herausforderung in der Außenpolitik: Welche Kommunikationsstrategien sind erfolgreich?. Vorträge und Diskussion

    Lehre | Universität Zürich | 2017

    “We the People” – Demokratie spielend gestalten

    Universität Zürich Zurich Schweiz

    Lehre | Universität Zürich | 2015

    Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America

    Universität Zürich Zurich Schweiz

    Lehre | Universität Zürich | 2015

    Clientelism and Democracy around the World

    Universität Zürich Zurich Schweiz


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