Matthias Basedau / Thomas Richter

Why Do Some Oil Exporters Experience Civil War but Others Do Not? Investigating the Conditional Effects of Oil

European Political Science Review | 2014

  • GIGA Focus Afrika | 3/2015

    Ausweitung der Kampfzone: Boko Haram und die Krise in Nigeria

    Robert Kappel

    Energy Research and Social Science | 09.2022

    Whither Rentierism Following the 2014 Oil Price Decline: Trajectories of Policy Adjustment in the Arab Gulf

    This paper looks at key trajectories of policy adjustment across member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)—a region shaped by state-controlled income from exporting hydrocarbons—since 2014, the year in which the price of crude oil dropped significantly.

    GIGA Focus Global | 4/2016

    Stabilität durch Rohstoffe? Ressourcen­management in Nachkriegssituationen

    Vita Roy (geb. Thomann)

    Former Doctoral Researcher


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