Forschung | 03.09.2023

ECPR-Generalkonferenz 2023: GIGA-Forschende auf wichtigstem Forum für Politikwissenschaften

Vom 4. bis 8. September treffen sich an der Karls-Universität in Prag Wissenschaftler:innen aus aller Welt zur Generalkonferenz des europäischen Verbands für Politikwissenschaften (European Consortium of Political Research, ECPR). GIGA-Wissenschaftler:innen leiten auch in diesem Jahr verschiedene Panels und stellen ihre Forschung vor.

  • In den Vorträgen präsentieren unsere Mitarbeitenden ihre neuesten Forschungserkenntnisse, beispielsweise zur Rolle von Gerichten in lateinamerikanischen Demokratien, dem Personalmanagement in Diktaturen, zur Personalisierung von Macht, der Legitimierung von staatlich motivierter Gewalt und der „bürokratischen Revolution“ der syrischen Opposition. Alle Beiträge finden Sie unten auf dieser Seite.

    Das European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR) ist der führende Verband für Politikwissenschaften in Europa. Bei der jährlich stattfindenden Hauptkonferenz kommen Wissenschaftler:innen aus aller Welt zusammen, um sich bei der über aktuelle Entwicklungen in den Teildisziplinen auszutauschen und zu vernetzen.

    Konferenz | 04.09.2023 - 08.09.2023

    Personnel, Institutions, and Power: Revisiting the Concept of Political Personalization

    ECPR General Conference 2023, Charles University, Prague Organisation: European Consortium for Political Research Dr. Martin Acheampong (Vortragende:r)

    Dr. Martin Acheampong presents his paper "Personnel, Institutions, and Power: Revisiting the Concept of Political Personalization" (co-authored with Dr. David Kühn, Prof. Dr. Mariana Llanos, Dr. Thomas Richter and Dr. Esther Song) at the ECPR General Conference 2023 in Prague. Panel: "Personalisation and regime legitimacy in autocracies".

    Konferenz | 04.09.2023 - 08.09.2023

    Autocracies with Adjectives: The Need for Better Classifications of Autocratic Regimes

    ECPR General Conference 2023, Charles University, Prague Organisation: European Consortium for Political Research Hager Ali (Vortragende:r)

    Hager Ali presents her paper "Autocracies with Adjectives: The Need for Better Classifications of Autocratic Regimes" at the ECPR General Conference 2023 in Prague. The presentation is part of the panel "Classifying Contemporary Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes: Old Questions, New Data, and Salvaged Concepts", co-chaired by her.

    Konferenz | 04.09.2023 - 08.09.2023

    Legitimising State-driven Violence: Strategies, Adaption and Resonance

    ECPR General Conference 2023, Charles University, Prague Organisation: European Consortium for Political Research Désirée Reder (Vortragende:r)

    Désirée Reder presents her paper "Legitimising state-driven violence: strategies, adaption and resonance" at the ECPR General Conference 2023 in Prague. The presentation is part of the panel "The meanings of violence and resistance: conditions and effects of state violence".

    Konferenz | 04.09.2023 - 08.09.2023

    Democratic Aspects of Civilian Protection

    ECPR General Conference 2023, Charles University, Prague Organisation: European Consortium for Political Research Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter (Chair)

    Dr. Thomas Richter is chair of the panel "Democratic aspects of civilian protection" at the ECPR 2023.

    Konferenz | 04.09.2023 - 08.09.2023

    Personnel Management as a Credible Commitment Mechanism: Evidence from North Korea

    ECPR General Conference 2023, Charles University, Prague Organisation: European Consortium for Political Research Dr. Esther Song (Vortragende:r)

    Dr. Esther Song presents her paper "Personnel Management as a Credible Commitment Mechanism: Evidence from North Korea" at the ECPR General Conference 2023 in Prague. The presentation is part of the panel " Personalisation and regime legitimacy in autocracies", chaired by her. Co-Chair is GIGA expert Dr. André Bank.

    Konferenz | 04.09.2023 - 08.09.2023

    The Bureaucratic Revolution: The Syrian Opposition’s Civil Registry System

    ECPR General Conference 2023, Charles University, Prague Organisation: European Consortium for Political Research Dr. Marika Sosnowski (Vortragende:r)

    Dr. Marika Sosnowski presents her paper "The bureaucratic revolution: The Syrian opposition’s civil registry system" at the ECPR General Conference 2023 in Prague. The presentation is part of the panel "The lived legal realities of de facto sovereign states", co-chaired by her. Panel discussant is GIGA expert Dr. André Bank.

    Konferenz | 04.09.2023 - 08.09.2023

    Latin American Courts Going Public: A Comparative Survey Assessment of Ten Democracies 

    ECPR General Conference 2023, Charles University, Prague Organisation: European Consortium for Political Research Dr. Cordula Tibi Weber (Vortragende:r), Prof. Dr. Mariana Llanos (Vortragende:r), Dr. Pedro Costa (Vortragende:r)

    Dr. Cordula Tibi Weber presents her paper "Latin American Courts Going Public: A Comparative Survey Assessment of Ten Democracies" (co-authored by Prof. Dr. Mariana Llanos and Dr. Pedro Costa) at the ECPR General Conference 2023 in Prague. The presentation is part of the panel "Courts and Communication", chaired by her and co-chaired by Prod. Dr. Mariana Llanos.


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