Prof. Dr. Laurence Whitehead


Prof. Dr. Laurence Whitehead

  • Short CV

    • Since 2018: Associat at the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies

    • Since 1969: Official Fellow in Politics at Nuffield College, Oxford University

    • Member of the steering committee of the Red Eurolatinoamericano de Gobernabilidad para el Desarrollo (RedGob).

    • Member of the steering committee of the IDCAR network on ‘International Diffusion and Cooperation of Authoritarian Regimes’

    • President of the Conseil Scientifique of the Institut des Ameriques (IdA) in Paris

    Current Research

    • Comparative Democratization: Latin American Politics and Mexican Politics

    • Researcher in the Europe-Cuba Forum Network

    Countries and Regions

    • Latin America

    • Mexico

    Prof. Dr. Laurence Whitehead


    [email protected]

    Routledge Studies in Latin American Politics | 06/2023

    Dynasties, Double-Dealings, and Delinquencies: Some Entangled Features of Subnational Politics in Mexico

    This chapter discusses Mexico’s subnational democratization process as an entangled process where formal institutions become entangled with informal rules, structures, and practices to produce diverse outcomes.

    Routledge Studies in Latin American Politics | 06/2023

    Referendums about Presidential Mandates: Deviations or Correctives?

    This chapter reviews both the resulting attempts to activate referendums affecting presidential term limits and those aimed at blocking such changes in Latin America.

    Yanina Welp

    Monografías CIDOB | 03/2022

    After the Protests and the Pandemic: Reassessing the International Profile of Post-Castro Cuba

    This book chapter reviews the external difficulties that interact with and reinforce Cuba’s domestic issues. Looking beyond the immediate situation it reflects on underlying international pressures and constraints that will shape the options for the Cuban nation over the next decade.

    Chapter in Edited Volume | 03/2022

    Tras las Protestas y la Pandemia: Reevaluación del Perfil Internacional de la Cuba Poscastrista

    As Cuba enters 2022, economic crisis and social tensions loom large. This book chapter written by Laurence Whitehead and Bert Hoffmann reviews the external difficulties that interact with and reinforce the island’s domestic issues. Looking beyond the immediate situation it reflects on underlying international pressures and constraints that will shape the options for the Cuban nation over the next decade. Its analysis encompasses Cuba’s relations with the US and with the EU, as well as those with Venezuela, Mexico, China, Russia and Canada, and it asks to what extent Cuban-made COVID-19 vaccines can re-boost the country’s soft-power projection. Putting the Cuban case in comparative perspective, the island’s regime – and its international profile – are in many ways still unlike any other, and predictive schemas based on false analogies risk being misleading.


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