Frauke Steglich

Research Fellow

Frauke Steglich

  • Frauke Steglich

    Research Fellow

    [email protected]

    Journal of Development Economics | 2024

    Corporate Social Responsibility Along the Global Value Chain

    Locating substantial parts of the production process in developing and emerging economies, many firms face an increasing demand by stakeholders for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) along their value chains. Contractual incompleteness between firms and their suppliers at different stages of production can exacerbate the ability to meet these demands.

    Journal of Development Studies, The | 2021

    Foreign Direct Investment & Petty Corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Empirical Analysis at the Local Level

    Inspired by a recent and ongoing debate about whether foreign direct investment (FDI) represents a blessing for or an impediment to economic, social, and political development in FDI host countries this paper addresses two issues: Does the presence of foreign investors impact the occurrence of petty corruption?


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