Dr. Marika Sosnowski


Dr. Marika Sosnowski

  • Short CV

    • Since 06/2023: Associate at the GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies

    • 09/2020 - 05/2023: Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies (Funding: Fritz Thyssen Foundation)

    • 03/2020 - 08/2020: Associate at the GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies

    • 2017 - 2019: PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne, Australia; Thesis: Ceasefires as Statebuilding

    • 2014 - 2015: Admission as a lawyer to the Supreme Court of Victoria, Legal traineeship: Flemington Kensington Community Legal Centre, Melbourne, Australia

    • Education: PhD University of Melbourne; Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

    Current Research

    • War-to-peace transitions

    • Ceasefires

    • Political order

    • Local rebel governance

    • Legal systems

    Countries and Regions

    • Syria

    Research Programmes


    • Syrian Studies Association 2020 Dissertation Prize, Syrian Studies Association (SSA), 2020

    Dr. Marika Sosnowski


    [email protected]

    Blog Article | 11/2023

    Known Unknowns: Or the Things That You Thought You Knew about a Ceasefire in Gaza That It Turns Out You Did Not

    Since the obscene attack by Hamas on Israel on 7 October 2023, the Israeli Defence Force has dropped between 18 and 35 kilotonnes of ammunition on the Gaza Strip on thousands of “targets”. Among these targets are hospitals, refugee camps, schools and mosques. For context, the combined explosive power of the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in WWII was 36 kilotonnes. The rising death toll coupled with pictures of the utter physical destruction of the Strip bear witness to an overwhelming display of military power.

    Small Wars and Insurgencies | 2022

    Neither Peace nor Democracy: The Role of Siege and Population Control in the Syrian Regime’s Coercive Counterinsurgency Campaign

    This article examines the role of siege warfare and population control in the coercive counterinsurgency strategy used by the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad to effectively crush the revolution that began in 2011.

    Benedetta Berti

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    GIGA Focus Middle East | 4/2021

    “The Right to Have Rights”: Legal Identity Documentation in the Syrian Civil War

    During the civil war in Syria, various actors issued legal identity documents. The disadvantages of this web of interlocking documents for people's – especially women’s – parental, inheritance and property rights are analysed in this GIGA Focus Middle East.

    Noor Hamadeh

    International Corporate Accountability Roundtable

    Research Project | 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023

    Legal Identity Under Insurgencies and Unrecognised States

    Legal identity is a target of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)s and it underpins the SDGs at large. Not having a recognized legal identity can severely implicate people’s human rights and it may cause statelessness. Our project goes to the core of unresolved tensions around theorising sovereign statehood and the authority to make law.
    Swedish Research Council, 2022-2023

    Research Project | 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2022

    Syria’s “Post-war” Landscape

    The architecture of “post-conflict” Syria is intrinsically linked to war dynamics, making it far from a tabula rasa but replete with a range of competing forms of authority. This project investigates the changing nature of the Syrian state and its interactions with non-state actors such as militia leaders, economic elites, tribal leaders, international organisations and investors. It focuses on three topics: local security providers and governance; legal identity; housing, land and property rights.
    Fritz Thyssen Foundation, 2020-2022

    Good Will Hunters | Interview | 19/10/2020

    The Free Kylie Campaign - Where to from here?

    Conference | 04/09/2023 - 08/09/2023

    The Bureaucratic Revolution: The Syrian Opposition’s Civil Registry System

    ECPR General Conference 2023, Charles University, Prague Organisers: European Consortium for Political Research Dr. Marika Sosnowski (Speaker)

    Dr. Marika Sosnowski presents her paper "The bureaucratic revolution: The Syrian opposition’s civil registry system" at the ECPR General Conference 2023 in Prague. The presentation is part of the panel "The lived legal realities of de facto sovereign states", co-chaired by her. Panel discussant is GIGA expert Dr. André Bank.

    GIGA Talk | 12/05/2022

    “If there is a ceasefire, people know the devil is coming”

    “If there is a ceasefire, people know the devil is coming”, Online event Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Prof. Dr. Christian von Soest (Chair), Dr. Marika Sosnowski (Speaker), Dr. Rim Turkmani (Speaker), Benedetta Berti (Discussant), Dr. Bente Scheller (Discussant)

    The consequences of ceasefires can be diverse, and are not necessarily positive. In this GIGA Talk, scholars and distinguished practitioners will discuss how research and experience from Syria can provide insights and practical strategies relevant for negotiating ceasefires in Ukraine.

    Dr. Rim Turkmani

    Benedetta Berti

    Dr. Bente Scheller

    Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness | 26/08/2021

    Citizenship constellations in Syria

    Organiser: Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness, University of Melbourne Dr. Marika Sosnowski (Speaker)

    This talk begins to rectify this by adding to scholarship on citizenship and rebel governance to question how non-state actors in Syria are going about establishing legal identity; what non-state issued documents this results in; and, the interplay between Syrian state and non-state based documentation systems.


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