Dr. Michael Radseck

Former Associate

Dr. Michael Radseck

  • Short CV

    • Since 2019: Associate at the Projekt "Context matters - country-specific politico-economic analyses, conflict and crisis potentials, as well as global and regional trends"

    • Since 2006: Associate at the GIGA and GIGA-Coordinator of expert’s reports "PÖK"

    Current Research

    • Military, arms, security and defence policy in Latin America

    Countries and Regions

    • Latin America

    Dr. Michael Radseck

    Former Associate

    Chapter in Edited Volume | 2014

    La lucha interregional contral el crimen organizado entre América del Sur y Europa

    Dr. Daniel Flemes

    Former GIGA Team member

    WeltTrends | 2013

    Perspektiven der internationalen Kriminalitätsbekämpfung: Der Kokainhandel von Südamerika nach Europa

    Dr. Daniel Flemes

    Former GIGA Team member

    Chapter in Edited Volume | 2012

    Creating Multilevel Security Governance in South America

    Dr. Daniel Flemes

    Former GIGA Team member

    Papel Político | 2012

    Gobernanza multinivel de seguridad en América del Sur

    Dr. Daniel Flemes

    Former GIGA Team member

    GIGA Working Papers | 12/2009

    Creating Multilevel Security Governance in South America

    Dr. Daniel Flemes

    Former GIGA Team member

    Research Project | 01/05/2019 - 31/03/2023

    Context Matters – Country-Specific Politico-Economic Analyses, Conflict and Crisis Potentials, as well as Global and Regional Trends / Phase II

    The realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals needs to be based on comprehensive knowledge of the specific contexts at various levels from the global to the local level. The three components of Context Matters provide annual information on actors and governance structures as well as on conflict potentials in the partner countries of German development cooperation. Important regional and global trends (trend analysis) for development cooperation are analysed with a comparative area perspective complementing these country analyses.
    BMZ, 2019-2023

    Research Project | 01/05/2018 - 30/04/2019

    Context Matters – Country-Specific Politico-Economic Analyses, Conflict and Crisis Potentials, as well as Global and Regional Trends / Phase I

    International development cooperation can only achieve the goals it has set itself if the various measures are based on a sound knowledge of country-specific developments, the characteristics of the political system, and the potential for conflict and crisis. The project "Context Matters" provides the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development with analysis on partner countries and develops a concept for overarching trend analyses.
    BMZ, 2018-2019


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