Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler

Former Associate

Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler

  • Short CV

    • Since 2015: Associate at the GIGA Institute for African Affairs

    • Since 10/2015: Director, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut (ABI) and professor of development policy and theory of development, University of Freiburg

    • 2009 - 2018: Co-Editor of Africa Spectrum (with Henning Melber)

    • 2002 - 2015: Director, GIGA Institute of African Affairs

    • 1994 - 2000: Research Fellow at the Institute of African Affairs

    Current Research

    • Power-sharing after peace agreements

    • Violent conflicts and conflict prevention

    • State and statehood

    • democratization processes

    • German and French Africa policy

    Countries and Regions

    • Frankophone Central and West Africa

    Research Programmes

    Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler

    Former Associate

    GIGA Focus Africa | 4/2015

    Meinungsfreiheit in Afrika unter Druck

    Marcus Seuser

    Institute of African Studies, Universität Leipzig

    Research Project | 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2017

    Governing People's Safety in Areas of Extremely Limited Statehood: South Sudan and the Central African Republic

    Why do some areas of limited statehood produce security while others are fraught with persistent insecurity? This research project focuses on areas where state presence is limited and where other local and external non-state actors are involved in providing security to citizens. By developing a micro-perspective on local arenas of security provision in South Sudan and the Central African Republic, the project seeks to understand what explains the differences in effective security provision in areas of limited statehood.
    DFG, CRC 700, 2014-2017

    Research Project | 01/01/2012 - 01/12/2017

    Institutions for Sustainable Peace - Comparing Institutional Options for Divided Societies and Post-Conflict Countries

    Two questions shape political agendas in violent and conflict affected societies: How can we stop the violence? And how can we prevent its recurrence? Comprehensive negotiated war terminations and external actors recommend and promote a set of institutional reforms (e.g., interim governments, power sharing, a substantial increase in political participation, and an accountable and democratically controlled security sector). This network project studies the success of particular institutional designs.
    Leibniz Association, 2012-2017

    Deutsche Welle | Interview | 16/12/2011

    Legislative elections in Côte d'Ivoire

    Deutsche Welle | Interview | 25/11/2011

    Angeklagt wegen Mordes und Vergewaltigung

    Die Presse, Wien | Interview | 27/10/2011

    Shabbab-Miliz droht Kenia mit Krieg

    GIGA Talk | 27/11/2014

    Ebola in Westafrika: Warum verläuft die Epidemie in den Ländern unterschiedlich?

    Ebola in Westafrika: Warum verläuft die Epidemie in den Ländern unterschiedlich?, GIGA Berlin, Berlin Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Franzisca Zanker (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler (Moderator), Ambassador Walter Lindner (Panelist), Tankred Stöbe (Panelist)

    Vorträge und Diskussion

    Ambassador Walter Lindner

    Tankred Stöbe

    GIGA Talk | 03/04/2014

    Military Power Germany? The Federal Army in Africa

    Military Power Germany? The Federal Army in Africa, GIGA Berlin, Berlin Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler (Panelist), Robert Kappel (Panelist)

    Militärmacht Deutschland? Die Bundeswehr in Afrika. Vorträge und Diskussion

    Robert Kappel

    Conference | 06/09/2012 - 07/09/2012

    ISP Network Conference

    ISP Network Conference, Berlin Organisers: Institutions for Sustainable Peace Network Prof. Dr. Matthias Basedau (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler (Panelist), Nadine Ansorg (Panelist), Dr. Julia Strasheim (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach (Panelist)

    Institutions for Sustainable Peace. From Research Gaps to New Frontiers

    Teaching | Universität Hamburg | 2010

    Armed conflicts and wars in sub-Saharan Africa

    Universität Hamburg Hamburg Germany


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