Oliver Hasenkamp


Oliver Hasenkamp

  • Short CV

    • Since 07.2023: Associate at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies
    • 2016 – present: Officer for Public Relations on Sustainable Development and Climate Change, United Nations Association of Germany (Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen e.V., DGVN)
    • 2012 – present: Member of the Board of the German Pacific Network (Pazifik-Netzwerk e.V.)
    • 2011 – 2013: M.A. in Political Studies from the University of Potsdam (M.A. Thesis: “The Pacific Small Island Developing States at the United Nations”)
    • 2012: Certificate in “Diplomacy of Small States” from the DiploFoundation at the University of Malta
    • 2011: Certificate in “Climate Change Diplomacy” from the DiploFoundation at the University of Malta

    Current Research

    • International and Regional Politics of the Pacific Islands Countries
    • Development and Security Policy in the Pacific Islands Region
    • Implementation of the United Nations Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
    • International Climate Change Politics

    Countries and Regions

    • Pacific Islands Countries

    Oliver Hasenkamp


    T. +49 30 259375-11[email protected]

    GIGA Focus Asia | 4/2023

    Rediscovering the Pacific: Possibilities of German Cooperation

    The Pacific Islands region is increasingly on Germany’s foreign policy radar. This Focus examines the challenges faced by this world region, takes stock of extant ties with Germany, and discusses possible future key areas of cooperation here.

    Radio Cosmo | Interview | 01/04/2021

    Cosmo-Interview zum Pacific Islands Forum

    klimareporter | Expert Comment / Guest Contribution | 08/03/2021

    Verliert der Pazifik seine gemeinsame Stimme?


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