Dr. Bettina Bunk

Dr. Bettina Bunk

  • Short CV

    • Since 2013: Associate Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute of African Affairs, in the project „Civil Society Organizations as Supporters of Authoritarian Rule? A Cross-Regional Comparison (Vietnam, Algeria, Mozambique)“, responsible for the case study of Mozambique

    • 2006 - 2009: Project Manager of the pilot project generationaktiv (funded by the Robert-Bosch-Foundation)

    • 2005 - 2006: Amazonas Programme German Development Service (DED) in cooperation with the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and the Forum of the Eastern Amazon Region (FAOR), Belém, Brazil

    • Since 2004: Freelancer for different governmental and non-governmental organisations (i.a. German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES))

    • Education: Doctoral candidate at the University of Potsdam, Chair of International Politics, dissertation topic: Governance and Local Economic Development in South Africa and Mozambique; Master of Arts in political science and sociology at the University of Constance; Master of Arts in Development Studies at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), Institute for Social Development, South Africa; Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI), Departamento de Sociologia, Portugal; Master Theses on participation of civil society in local political structures and decision-making processes in Mozambique and South Africa

    • Fellowship and doctoral fellowship of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation

    Current Research

    • Comparative research on democracy and political regimes

    • Authoritarianism and civil society development in Mozambique

    • Governance, decentralisation, civil society participation, participatory budgeting

    • Local government development and local economic development in South Africa and Mozambique

    • Main regional focus on sub-Saharan Africa

    Countries and Regions

    • Mozambique

    • South Africa

    Dr. Bettina Bunk

    [email protected]

    Democratization | 2017

    Using Civil Society as an Authoritarian Legitimation Strategy: Algeria and Mozambique in Comparative Perspective

    Dr. Jasmin Lorch

    Former Associate

    GIGA Working Papers | 10/2016

    Gender Politics, Authoritarian Regime Resilience, and the Role of Civil Society in Algeria and Mozambique

    Dr. Jasmin Lorch

    Former Associate

    Research Project | 01/07/2013 - 01/06/2016

    Civil Society Organizations as Supporters of Authoritarian Rule? A Cross-Regional Comparison (Vietnam, Algeria, Mozambique)

    The project explores in which ways civil society organisations (CSOs) contribute to the preservation or weakening of the authoritarian state’s infrastructural and discursive power. It is based on cross-regional comparisons of CSOs in the post-socialist countries Algeria, Mozambique, and Vietnam.
    DFG, 2013-2016

    GIGA Talk | 22/10/2015

    Zivilgesellschaftsorganisationen als Unterstützer autoritärer Herrschaft? Algerien, Mosambik und Vietnam im Vergleich

    Zivilgesellschaftsorganisationen als Unterstützer autoritärer Herrschaft? Algerien, Mosambik und Vietnam im Vergleich, GIGA Berlin, Berlin Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Dr. Jörg Wischermann (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner (Moderator), Dr. Jasmin Lorch (Panelist), Dr. Bettina Bunk (Panelist)

    Zivilgesellschaftsorganisationen als Unterstützer autoritärer Herrschaft? Algerien, Mosambik und Vietnam im Vergleich. Vorträge und Diskussion

    GIGA Forum | 21/10/2015

    Zivilgesellschaften als Keimzellen der Demokratie? Algerien, Mosambik und Vietnam

    Zivilgesellschaften als Keimzellen der Demokratie? Algerien, Mosambik und Vietnam, GIGA Hamburg, Hamburg Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Dr. Jörg Wischermann (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner (Moderator), Dr. Jasmin Lorch (Panelist), Dr. Bettina Bunk (Panelist)

    Zivilgesellschaften als Keimzellen der Demokratie? Algerien, Mosambik und Vietnam. Podiumsdiskussion


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