Martin Beck


 Martin Beck

  • Short CV

    Martin Beck, who received their academic education in Tübingen, Germany (Doctor in Social Sciences in 1994 and “Habilitation” in Political Science in 2001), is Professor in International Relations and Security Studies in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Kurdistan Hewlêr (UKH). Martin, who currently serves as Professor in Politics of the Middle East at the University of Marburg, is also affiliated with the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and is an Associate of GIGA (German Institute for Global and Area Studies). They have previously worked as researcher, academic teacher, and political advisor at universities, research institutes, and think tanks in Europe (Tübingen, Hamburg, Bremen, and Odense), the USA (Denver, Colorado), and not least in the Middle East (Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq). Martin’s research covers international politics and political economy, in particular studies on regional power relations, the Arab–Israeli conflict, regional oil politics, rentier states, securitization policies and migration policies. Martin has published their work in pertinent journals and with renowned publishing houses. For more details see their profile at ResearchGate und Google Scholar. Martin is on Twitter: @martinbeck23.

    Current Research

    • International and regional Oil Politics

    • Arab Spring

    • Regional Politics and Regional Powers in the Middle East

    • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    Countries and Regions

    • Middle East (esp. Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria)

    Research Programmes

    Martin Beck


    Energy Research and Social Science | 09/2022

    Whither Rentierism Following the 2014 Oil Price Decline: Trajectories of Policy Adjustment in the Arab Gulf

    This paper looks at key trajectories of policy adjustment across member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)—a region shaped by state-controlled income from exporting hydrocarbons—since 2014, the year in which the price of crude oil dropped significantly.

    Edited Volume | Manchester University Press | 08/2021

    Oil and the Political Economy in the Middle East: Post-2014 Adjustment Policies of the Arab Gulf and Beyond

    The European | Article | 14/03/2011

    Ein Strukturproblem

    Workshop | 09/11/2021

    Whither Rentierism: Trajectories of Adjustment in the Arab Gulf after the Era of Oil Income Abundance

    State-Society Relations & Institutional Channels of Economic Reform in the GCC, Online Event Organisers: Gulf International Forum Martin Beck (Speaker), Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter (Speaker)

    At a talk at the workshop "State-Society Relations & Institutional Channels of Economic Reform in the GCC" on 9 November 2021 Martin Beck and Thomas Richter discussed a paper which looks at key trajectories of adjustment in the Arab Gulf since 2014.

    Conference | 14/09/2021 - 16/09/2021

    Vom Überfluss zur Knappheit: Rentierstaatlichkeit im arabischen Golf

    28. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der DVPW, Online Event Organisers: German Political Science Association Martin Beck (Speaker), Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter (Speaker)

    Cooperation Event | 14/03/2019 - 15/03/2019

    Challenged by the Decreased Price of Oil: Adjustment Policies in the Arab Gulf and Beyond since 2014

    Challenged by the Decreased Price of Oil: Adjustment Policies in the Arab Gulf and Beyond since 2014, Beirut Organisers: Lebanese Oil and Gas Initiative, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter (Organiser), Martin Beck (Organiser)

    Workshop of the Research Platform Middle East "Challenged by the Decreased Price of Oil: Adjustment Policies in the Arab Gulf and Beyond since 2014"


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