Dr. Johannes Plagemann

Senior Research Fellow | Research Team Spokesperson

Dr. Johannes Plagemann

  • Short CV

    • Since 08/2023: Senior Research Felllow GIGA Institute for Asian Studies
    • 10/2019 - 09/2020: Deputy Professorship for Political Science with a Focus on Area Studies China/East Asia at the Goethe Universität Frankfurt

    • 01/2016 - 06/2017: External Policy Analyst at the Political Directorate-General, Federal Foreign Office

    • Since 10/2014: Research Fellow GIGA Institute of Asian Studies

    • 2014: Research Fellow Sofja Kovalevskaja Research group (funded by the Humboldt Foundation) on "Background Justice between States: Global Institutional Design to Foster Sovereign Statehood"

    • 2010 - 2013: Ph.D. candidate Hamburg International Graduate School for the Study of Regional Powers (HIGS)

    • Education: Bachelor in Philosophy & Economics Universität Bayreuth und Universidade de São Paulo, Master in Political Sciences Universität Hamburg und Bordeaux IV; PhD from Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

    Current Research

    • Multipolarity, Rising Powers, and International Politics

    • Legitimacy and International Institutions

    • Populism and Foreign Policy

    Countries and Regions

    • India

    • South Asia

    • Mozambique

    Dr. Johannes Plagemann

    Senior Research Fellow / Research Team Spokesperson

    T. +49 40 428874-23johannes.plagemann@giga-hamburg.de

    GIGA Focus Asia | 3/2024

    India after the 2024 Elections: Trends and Implications

    The outcome of India’s 2024 national elections will define its future course as a democracy. Examined are the key factors and trends likely to influence India’s politics and policies in the coming years.

    International Studies Quarterly | 04/2024

    In the Eyes of the Beholders: The Legitimacy of Global Governance Institutions under Multipolarity

    We investigate how global publics evaluate the legitimacy of two GGIs—the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Group of Twenty (G20)—and multipolarity’s role in those evaluations.

    Monograph | C.H. Beck | 09/2023

    Wir sind nicht alle: Der Globale Süden und die Ignoranz des Westens

    Der Westen ist nicht mehr der Nabel der Welt. Stattdessen treten die Staaten des Globalen Südens mit neuem Selbstbewusstsein auf. Das Buch diskutiert, warum die Staaten des Globalen Südens so handeln, wie sie es tun, warum deren Skepsis gegenüber dem Westen so tief sitzt – und warum in der neuen Vielfalt auch Chancen liegen.

    GIGA Focus Asia | 5/2022

    Towards Closer European Union and German Cooperation with South Korea in the Indo-Pacific

    The European Union and Germany are implementing strategies for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. How does South Korea fit into the picture? In this GIGA Focus Asia, we share findings from a collaborative, policy-oriented research project examining the potential scope for closer cooperation here.

    British Journal of Politics and International Relations | 08/2022

    Populism and the Politicisation of Foreign Policy

    To what extent and how do populist leaders politicise foreign policy? Sandra Destradi, Johannes Plagemann, and Hakkı Taş find interesting differences between the public discourses of Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

    Prof. Dr. Sandra Destradi

    Research Project | 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025

    Climate Obstruction and Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective

    The fight against climate change continues to be hindered by campaigns of corporate and other actors who seek to prevent global and/or national action on climate change. This research group is set up to a joint and comparative research agenda on climate obstruction in and across key Global South countries. The lead institutions are the GIGA and the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).
    DAAD/CAPES, 2024-2026

    Research Project | 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022

    Engaging the Indo-Pacific: German and Korean Perspectives on Regional Cooperation

    A policy-oriented research project bringing together the GIGA and the East Asia Institute in Seoul. The project aims at analysing German/EU and Korean strategies for Indo-Pacific engagement and identifying areas for in-depth consultation, coordination and cooperation.
    Korea Foundation, 2022

    Research Project | 01/06/2021 - 31/05/2024

    Populism and Foreign Policy

    What are the implications of the global rise of populism for international politics? Episodes such as Brexit or US President Trump's withdrawal from the Iran Agreement suggest that populists in power fuel international tensions, weaken multilateralism and undermine global governance. However, existing preliminary work on the Global South shows that this is not automatically the case. The project seeks explanations for this variance in the effects of the formation of populist governments on foreign policy.
    DFG, 2021-2024

    Research Project | 01/12/2018 - 31/03/2022

    Legitimate Multipolarity

    Global governance institutions work differently under conditions of multipolarity. In a first step, in this project we investigate the legitimacy deficits of global governance institutions under conditions of multipolarity. In a second step, we analyse possible solutions to such problems put forward in rising powers’ foreign policy discourses. Legitimate Multipolarity adopts an empirical approach to the study of legitimacy and contributes to a global understanding of multilateralism’s merits, pitfalls – and prospects for reform.
    DFG, 2018-2022

    Internationale Politik | Other | 01/04/2024

    Mit den Augen der Anderen

    ZEIT Online | Expert Comment / Guest Contribution | 24/02/2024

    Indien: Im weltpolitischen Abseits

    Indien wird international umworben wie nie zuvor. Doch der Personenkult um Premierminister Narendra Modi und der Verfall demokratischer Standards nähren Zweifel an einer vermeintlichen "Wertepartnerschaft" mit dem Westen, kommentiert GIGA-Wissenschaftler Dr. Johannes Plagemann.

    Deutsche Welle | Quote | 30/12/2023

    BRICS - weder Papiertiger noch Schreckgespenst

    Die BRICS wachsen und damit ihr Einfluss. Kann ein Bündnis so unterschiedlicher Staaten funktionieren oder entsteht gar ein anti-westlicher Block? GIGA-Experte Dr. Johannes Plagemann rät zur Kooperation.

    Workshop | 25/06/2024

    Book Workshop on Order and Agency in the Indo-Pacific

    Book Workshop on Order and Agency in the Indo-Pacific, GIGA, Hamburg Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner (Organiser, Chair, Discussant), Dr. Johannes Plagemann (Discussant), Prof. Dr. David Camroux (Discussant), Ass. Prof. Dr. Nicolas Blarel (Discussant), Dr. Mohammadbagher Forough (Discussant), Dr. Christophe Jaffrelot (Discussant)

    This book workshop discusses chapter drafts for an edited volume put together by the Franco-German Observatory of the Indo-Pacific. Fourteen scholars based in France, Germany, and the Netherlands examine examine dynamics of order-building and the agency of small and middle powers in the Indo-Pacific.

    Prof. Dr. David Camroux

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Nicolas Blarel

    Dr. Christophe Jaffrelot

    GIGA Talk | 01/12/2022

    Towards Closer Cooperation with South Korea in the Indo-Pacific

    Towards Closer Cooperation with South Korea in the Indo-Pacific, Online event Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner (Speaker), Dr. Johannes Plagemann (Speaker), Dr. Christian Wirth (Speaker), Prof. Dr. Yul Sohn (Discussant), Prof. Dr. Sook-Jong Lee (Discussant), Prof. Dr. Chaesung Chun (Discussant), Dr. Martin Thümmel (Discussant), Prof. Dr. Heike Holbig (Moderator)

    The European Union and Germany are implementing strategies for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. How does South Korea fit into the picture? In this GIGA Talk, we will present and discuss findings from a collaborative, policy-oriented research project examining the potential scope for closer cooperation therewith.

    Seminar | 30/06/2022

    Maritime Security Strategies in the Era of the Indo-Pacific

    Maritime Security Strategies in the Era of the Indo-Pacific, Seoul KTX Station AREX-3, Seoul Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner (Panelist), Dr. Christian Wirth (Panelist), Dr. Johannes Plagemann (Panelist), Ass. Prof. Dr. Min Gyo Koo (Organiser)

    Patrick Köllner, Johannes Plagemann and Christian Wirth exchanged views with Korean university, think tank and media representatives in a joint maritime policy seminar of the SLOC Study Group-Korea and the GIGA. The event was co-sponsored by the Haesung Institute for Ethics in International Affairs.


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