Markus Gastinger / Henning Schmidtke

Replication Data for: Measuring precision precisely: A Dictionary-Based Measure of Imprecision


  • Description

    The files uploaded entail the material necessary to replicate the results from the article and Online appendix published in: Gastinger, M. and Schmidtke, H. (2022) ‘Measuring precision precisely: A dictionary-based measure of imprecision’, The Review of International Organizations, available at Doi: 10.1007/s11558-022-09476-y.


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    Dr. Markus Gastinger

    Dr. Markus Gastinger

    Paris Lodron University of Salzburg

    Review of International Organizations | 09/2022

    Measuring Precision Precisely: A Dictionary-Based Measure of Imprecision

    What to learn more about the precision of international agreements? This publication offers a robust empirical measure of this central International Relations concept. We show that the mandates of international organizations can be very vague, opening room for interpretation and manipulation.

    Dr. Markus Gastinger

    Paris Lodron University of Salzburg


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