Amrita Narlikar / Daniel Drezner

International relations: the ‘how not to’ guide – Introduction to the International Affairs centenary special issue

  • Abstract

    In the century of International Affairs' existence, there have been a lot of catastrophic critical junctures when a different policy decision, underpinned by an alternative epistemic framing, might have led to a more peaceful and prosperous world. In this special issue, we consider the well-intentioned efforts of humanity over the past century that turned out badly. Much of foreign policy analysis seeks to replicate successes; we humbly ask whether it might make more sense to examine how to avoid disastrous failure. In this introductory article we develop a concrete definition of policy failure and provide a motivation for why the study of failures is relevant for the coming century. We suggest a Hippocratic Oath for policy-minded scholars, and advance guidelines to help go beyond Barack Obama's ‘Don't do stupid shit’ injunction and also guard against potential policy paralysis. Finally, we offer conclusions derived from the other articles in this special issue that are relevant for both the study and practice of international relations. Armed with these insights, practitioners—and the researchers who advise them—may stand a better chance of avoiding some of the worst pitfalls of international relations; occasionally, together, we may even get some things right.


    International Affairs







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    © Cartoon by Sequential Potential Comics,

    Cooperation Event | 21/09/2022

    How NOT to Do Foreign Policy

    How NOT to Do Foreign Policy, London or online Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Chatham House, International Affairs (Journal) Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar (Consultant, Panelist), Prof. Dr. Daniel W. Drezner (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Valérie Rosoux (Consultant)

    For the launch of the International Affairs Centenary special issue “International relations: the ‘how not to’ guide”, Chatham House invites for a discussion with Prof. Drezner, Prof. Narlikar, and Prof. Rosoux on how policymakers and researchers can learn from the worst pitfalls.


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