Isabela Pinho / Janaina Maldonado Guerrada Cunha / Apoena Mano

State Formations, Politics of Circulation and Critical Infrastructure: An Interview with Finn Stepputat

Tempo Social | 2023

  • Abstract

    The interview begins by tracing the trajectory of this experienced researcher through his theoretical, thematic and empirical choices. Next, we explore some issues raised in the thematic dossier “States of circulation: The co-production of logistical and political orders”, published in the journal Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (Schouten, Stepputat and Bachmann, 2019). At the end of the interview, Finn reveals that he is about to retire, so we take the opportunity to toast this special moment with advice for the next generations of Social Science profes-sionals. Completing nearly 40 years of career, with this possibly being the last year before his retirement, Finn Stepputat introduces us to thought-provoking aspects of his career, reflections and analytical insights

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