Lea Müller-Funk / Osama Alaa Aldien / Arij Basrak / Weam Ghabash / Mustafa Hatip / Rand Shamaa / Mouran Tourkmani

Researching urban forced migrants in Turkey and Lebanon: Alternative ways to study a vulnerable population in fragile political contexts

International Migration Institute Working Paper Series | 2019

  • Research Programmes


    International Migration Institute Working Paper Series

    Series Volume


    Number of Pages



    International Migration Institute



    Osama  Alaa Aldien

    Osama Alaa Aldien

    Arij  Basrak

    Arij Basrak

    Weam  Ghabash

    Weam Ghabash

    Mustafa  Hatip

    Mustafa Hatip

    Rand  Shamaa

    Rand Shamaa

    Mouran  Tourkmani

    Mouran Tourkmani

    GIGA Focus Nahost | 5/2020

    Perceiving Migration Crises: A View from the European Neighbourhood

    The EU's dominant perception of migration as a "crisis" is extremely Eurocentric, as migration to the EU is minimal compared to other regions of the world. How do non-EU states such as Tunisia and Turkey, view not only migration movements perceived as “critical” within the EU but also the ensuing migration agreements?


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