GIGA Journal Family | 23/11/2023

New Journal of Politics in Latin America 3/2023

This issue of the Journal of Politics in Latin America covers topics such as presidential debates and electoral preferences in weakly institutionalised democracies, how presidents answer the call of international capital, women in Latin American political science, and more.

  • Journal of Politics in Latin America Vol. 15, No. 3 (2023)

    Research Articles

    • Francisco Cantú, Miguel Carreras: Presidential Debates and Electoral Preferences in Weakly Institutionalised Democracies: Evidence From 32 Latin American Elections

      Abstract | PDF

    • Christian Arnold, David Doyle, Nina Wiesehomeier: How Presidents Answer the Call of International Capital

      Abstract | PDF

    • Gabriel Levita, Cristian Márquez Romo: Assessing Congressional Institutionalization and Political Elites’ Renewal in Latin America Through Legislative Amateurism

      Abstract | PDF

    • Maria Camila Angulo Amaya, Ned Littlefield: Examining the Crime-Conflict Distinction: Victimization and Political System Support in Colombia

      Abstract | PDF

    Research Note

    • Benjamin Goldfrank, Yanina Welp: Researching the Gap: Women in Latin American Political Science

      Abstract | PDF

    GIGA Journal Family

    The GIGA Journal Family is presided over by Sage, maintaining the “platinum standard” of the Open Access model. Contributions by leading researchers from all over the world feature in our four journals. To ensure their quality, all submissions are evaluated in a double-blind peer-review process.

    GIGA Journal Family


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