GIGA Journal Family | 06/08/2023

New Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 2/2023

The current issue of the Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs focuses on topics such as the Moro women's participation in the Bangsamoro peace process in the Philippines, ASEAN's governance of climate change, Brunei-China economic relations, and more.

  • Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs Vol. 42, No. 2 (2023)

    Original Articles

    • Teresa Lorena Jopson: Moro Women's Participation and Legitimation in the Bangsamoro Peace Process

      Abstract | PDF

    • Tine Destrooper: Understanding the Unforeseen Consequences of an Incomplete Transitional Justice Ecology in the Philippines

      Abstract | PDF

    • Virgemarie Salazar: From Practices to Praxis: ASEAN's Transnational Climate Governance Networks as Communities of Practice

      Abstract | PDF

    • Elisabeth Kramer, Masduki Masduki, Rizanna Rosemary, Eni Maryani, Lestari Nurhajati, Anastasia Maria Sri Redjeki: How Do National Laws Filter Down to the Local? Tobacco Control Regulations and Smoke Free Areas in a Decentralised Indonesia

      Abstract | PDF

    • Guanie Lim, Chang-Yau Hoon, Kaili Zhao: Foreign Investment, State Capitalism, and National Development in Borneo: Rethinking Brunei–China Economic Relations

      Abstract | PDF

    • Viengrat Nethipo, Erik Martinez Kuhonta, Akanit Horatanakun: Regime Consolidation Through Deinstitutionalisation: A Case Study of the 2019 Elections in Thailand

      Abstract | PDF

    Book Reviews

    • Stefan Bächtold: Book Review: Winning by Process: The State and Neutralization of Ethnic Minorities in Myanmar

      Abstract | PDF

    • Hong-Kong To Nguyen: Book Review: Populism, Nationalism and the South China Sea Dispute: Chinese and Southeast Asian Perspectives

      Abstract | PDF

    • Bilal Dewansyah: The Criminalisation of People Smuggling in Indonesia and Australia: Asylum Out of Reach

      Abstract | PDF

    GIGA Journal Family

    The GIGA Journal Family is presided over by Sage, maintaining the “platinum standard” of the Open Access model. Contributions by leading researchers from all over the world feature in our four journals. To ensure their quality, all submissions are evaluated in a double-blind peer-review process.

    GIGA Journal Family


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