GIGA Journal Family | 04/04/2023

New Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 1/2023

The new issue of the Journal of Current Chinese Affairs analyses topics such as the internationalisation of Chinese NGOs, Chinese liberal intellectuals and Trump, entrepreneurship as a possible career path for Chinese university students, China's “Wolf Warrior Diplomacy,” and more.

  • Journal of Current Chinese Affairs Vol. 52, No. 1 (2023)

    Research Articles

    • Ying Wang: Embeddedness Beyond Borders: Examining the Autonomy of Chinese NGOs in Their Global Endeavours Abstract | PDF

    • Gengsong Gao: Chinese Centrist Liberal Critics of Trump: A Reconsideration of Contemporary Chinese Liberalism

      Abstract | PDF

    • Naja Morell Hjortshøj: New Visions of the Good Life: Entrepreneurial Pursuits of Chinese Elite University Students Abstract | PDF

    • Jonathan Sullivan, Weixiang Wang: China's “Wolf Warrior Diplomacy”: The Interaction of Formal Diplomacy and Cyber-Nationalism Abstract | PDF

    • Wanfa Zhang, Sugumaran Narayanan, Feng Sun: Why There Has Been No Anti-Regime Movement on College Campus in China for Three Decades? A Survey Study at Thirty-Five Universities (2015–2018) and Its Implications Abstract | PDF


    • Adam Y. Liu, Xiaojun Li, Songying Fang: Unpacking “the West”: Divergence and Asymmetry in Chinese Public Attitudes Towards Europe and the United States Abstract | PDF

    GIGA Journal Family

    The GIGA Journal Family is presided over by Sage, maintaining the “platinum standard” of the Open Access model. Contributions by leading researchers from all over the world feature in our four journals. To ensure their quality, all submissions are evaluated in a double-blind peer-review process.

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