Award | 14/10/2020

GIGA Researcher Awarded Prize for Now-published Dissertation

Dr. Tim Glawion’s doctoral thesis The Security Arena in Africa: Local Order-Making in the Central African Republic, Somaliland, and South Sudan has won the 2019 Arnold Bergstraesser Award.

  • Picture of Tim Glawion
    © Tim Glawion

    Once a year, the University of Freiburg and the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute confer the Arnold Bergstraesser Award upon an outstanding dissertation in the social sciences that deals with political and societal developments in the Global South. Tim Glawion, a researcher with the GIGA Institute for African Affairs, has been honoured with the award for 2019. His dissertation parses the security conditions and fragile stability in South Sudan and the Central African Republic during their respective prolonged civil wars, and in Somalia’s breakaway state, Somaliland. Based on field work he carried out from 2014 to 2018, Glawion examines and explains theories on security dynamics, delineating the ways in which these theories play out in practice in terms of how security in some African states is achieved or undermined.

    View the dissertation here


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