Press Release | 02/03/2017

GIGA Launches Series of Articles and Events on the G20

Research institute provides background information, context, and discussion

Hamburg, 2 March 2017. The German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) launched its G20-related activities last night in Hamburg with a panel discussion featuring high-profile speakers. Prof. Amrita Narlikar, president of the GIGA, presented her analysis “Can the G20 Save Globalisation?” to the audience of 100 invited guests, which included scholars, political decision makers, representatives of the diplomatic corps, and journalists. In this first issue of a thematic series dedicated to the G20 and G20-related questions, Prof. Narlikar examines which strengths the G20 can draw upon to effectively tackle the current globalisation crisis. She also highlights the unique opportunity presented by the German G20 presidency. Distinguished Member of Parliament Niels Annen emphasised the importance of the G20 summit in Hamburg as providing a valuable chance for world leaders to meet informally and exchange ideas. Prof. Nele Noesselt and Prof. Roberto Bouzas offered insightful perspectives from China and Argentina, respectively.

In the run-up to the G20 summit, to take place this year in Hamburg on 7 and 8 July, additional articles by GIGA researchers presenting findings from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East regarding various aspects of the G20 will also be published. The articles in the GIGA Focus series are available free of charge on the GIGA website.

The GIGA will host and contribute to various events in advance of the 2017 G20 summit, presenting its research on the challenges and opportunities facing the G20 for discussion, and incorporating the views of diverse world regions in the process. In dialogue with academics and decision makers, as well as with interested members of the public, the institute will make available its most recent academic findings. Highlights will include a panel discussion entitled “The G20 amidst Global Transition: Expectations and Hopes, Risks and Challenges“ with the federal government’s G20 representative, Prof. Lars-Hendrik Röller, on 17 June. Up-to-date news about our activities and publications surrounding the G20 summit are available on our website:

Additional Information • Prof. Amrita Narlikar: “Can the G20 Save Globalisation?”, GIGA Focus Global 01/2017 • Information about yesterday’s launch event: “Can the G20 Process Save Globalisation? From China to Germany to Argentina” • The GIGA and the G20 – all GIGA activities at a glance:

About the GIGA The German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) is an independent social science research institute based in Hamburg, Germany. It studies political, social, and economic developments in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, as well as global issues. As a member of the Leibniz Association, it is committed to the principle of “theoria cum praxi”: science for the benefit of society.

The GIGA is part of the international T20 (Think-20) network, which serves as an “ideas bank” for the G20 and provides research-based policy advice. The institute is also active in the C20 (Civil-20) network, which is dedicated to the exchange of information between civil society organisations.


Verena Schweiger

Verena Schweiger

Head of Communications Department

T. +49 40


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