GIGA Journal Family | 14/07/2024

GIGA Journal Family Celebrates Another Success

The renowned Sage Publications recently made available the latest impact factors. The GIGA Journal Family achieved excellent results.

  • The three journals included in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) achieved the following impact factors for 2023:  

    • Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, indexed in the SSCI: impact factor of 2.4. This value remains almost constant compared to the previous year (IF 2.5). The journal also improved its ranking in the “Area Studies” category to 7th place out of 176 (compared to 9th place out of 84 in the previous year).  

    • Africa Spectrum, indexed in the SSCI: IF 1.9. Here, too, the value remains stable compared to the previous year (IF 2.0). The journal climbed to 15th place out of 176 in its category (compared to 17th place out of 84 in the previous year).  

    • Journal of Politics in Latin America, indexed in the ESCI: IF 1.6 (compared to IF 1.3 in the previous year). 

    The impact factor measures how often the articles of a particular journal are cited on average per year in other scientific publications, being an important indicator of that journal’s relevance and reach.  

    The GIGA Executive Board would like to thank both the current and former editors of its respective journals for their outstanding commitment and the successful development of the GIGA Journal Family as a whole:   

    “We are proud of our four journals and are delighted with the successful collaboration with Sage. Our commitment to Open Access ‘platinum standard’ (free for readers and authors) remains unwavering, as we are determined to continue on this path in the future.”  

    These successes underline the GIGA's commitment to furthering high-quality and freely accessible research among the international scientific community. 

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