In Brief | 27/03/2022

GIGA Expert Merike Blofield Presents Policy Brief at Global Solutions Summit 2022

Director of the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies Prof. Dr. Merike Blofield is set to present her policy brief entitled “Towards a Global Universal Basic Income for Children” at the Global Solutions Summit 2022. The summit, which brings government representatives together with researchers, is considered an important forum for research-based political consultation.

  • Prof. Dr. Merike Blofield will present her publication on a global universal basic income for children in the framework of the “Setting the foundations of global social cohesion” meeting on 28 March at 5:45 p.m. (CEST). At this public event, the scholar, alongside Tommaso Faccio of the University of Nottingham, Andrew Percy of the Social Prosperity Network, and moderator Dr. Gianluca Grimalda of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), will discuss social cohesion as an international challenge in the face of multifaceted global crises. The podium will clarify the status quo and explore financial tools of support, such as a global universal basic income.

    The Global Solutions Summit is an annual conference in Berlin, at which policy recommendations in the run-up to the Think7/Think20 and G7/G20 summits are presented and discussed. At Think7, leading think tanks and experts from G7 states such as Merike Blofield, working alongside civil society and the business community, draw up recommendations for forward-looking agreements between the G7 member states. The theme of this year’s Global Solutions Summit, taking place on 28¬–29 March in a hybrid format, is “Listen to the world: Promoting social well-being within planetary boundaries.”


    Prof. Dr. Merike Blofield

    Prof. Dr. Merike Blofield

    Former GIGA Team member


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