GIGA Journal Family | 10/03/2020

New Africa Spectrum 3/2020

This issue of the Africa Spectrum offers analyses on topics such as ethnic quotas in foreign non-governmental organisations, the tension between the state and Islamist groups in Zanzibar, and on allocation models in climate aid.

Africa Spectrum Vol. 54, No. 3 (2019)

Research Articles

  • Stef Vandeginste: Ethnic Quotas and Foreign NGOs in Burundi: Shrinking Civic Space Framedas Affirmative Action Abstract | PDF

  • Jannis Saalfeld: On the Divergent Trajectories of African Islamism: Explaining Salafi Non-Radicalisation in Zanzibar Abstract | PDF

  • Rose Nakayi, Annika Witte: Making Cultural Heritage Claims on Profitable Land: The Case of the Ngassa Wells in Uganda’s Oil Region Abstract | PDF

  • Florian Weiler, Franklins A. Sanubi: Development and Climate Aid to Africa: Comparing Aid Allocation Models for Different Aid Flows Abstract | PDF


  • Giulia Piccolino, Sabine Franklin: The Unintended Consequences of Risk Assessment Regimes: How Risk Adversity at European Universities Is Affecting African Studies Abstract | PDF

Book Reviews

  • Charlotte Heyl: Book review: Electoral Politics in Africa since 1990. Continuity in Change Abstract | PDF

  • Roger Southall: Book review: The Struggle of Democratisation against Authoritarianism in Contemporary Africa Abstract | PDF


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