
Regional Perspectives on a Nuclear Weapons Ban

Author's Workshop for "Peace Review Special Issue"




06:00 p.m. (CEST)


09:00 p.m. (CEST)

Cover Peace Review

  • Under the guest editorship of Dr. Leonardo Bandarra, University of Duisburg-Essen and Middle East Treaty Organization (METO), and Dr. Miriam Prys-Hansen, Lead Research Fellow at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice 36(2) invites essays for a special issue addressing Regional Perspectives on a Nuclear Weapons Ban. In preparation for that speacial issue and with the aim of fostering discussions an new scholarship on how regional politics shape global nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament politics, the guest editors invite applications for a virtual author's workshop on 22 May 2023.

    Please note that participation in this workshop does not entail an automatic acceptance of a contribution to the Special Issue and authors can propose manuscripts without having participated in the workshop. All articles for the special issue will have to be submitted online through the Journal's website and will be subjected to peer-review process.


    Dr. Leonardo Bandarra

    Former Associate



    Programme (PDF)

    Cover Peace Review

    GIGA Working Papers | 07/2022

    Global South Perspectives on a Global Ban on Nuclear Weapons: A Comparative Approach

    Using a Comparative Area Studies approach to Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and South Asia, we discuss how regional issues shape global non-proliferation and disarmament politics. Focus is on the nuclear-weapon-ban norm, recently codified in the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

    Dr. Leonardo Bandarra

    Prof. Dr. Jo-Ansie van Wyk

    Prof. Dr. Layla Dawood

    Prof. Dr. Monica Herz

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Nir Hassid

    Prof. Dr. Harsh V. Pant

    Dr. Shounak Set


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