GIGA Event

Legitimacy in Global Governance

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Jonas Tallberg




03:30 p.m. (UTC)

Picture of Prof. Dr. Jonas Tallberg
© Niklas Björling/Stockholm University

  • Legitimacy is central for the capacity of global governance institutions (GGIs) to address problems such as climate change, trade protectionism, and human rights abuses. However, despite legitimacy’s importance for global governance, its workings remain poorly understood. That is the core concern of the research program LegGov: to offer the first systematic and comprehensive analysis of legitimacy in global governance. To what extent are GGIs regarded as legitimate? What explains that legitimacy? By what processes are GGIs legitimated and delegitimated? What are the consequences of legitimacy (or its absence) for the functioning of GGIs?

    Speaker: Dr. Jonas Tallberg is Professor of Political Science at Stockholm University, where he coordinates the research group on global and regional governance, selected as a leading area of research at SU. His primary research interests are global governance and European Union politics.

    Moderation: Prof. Dr. Tobias Lenz is Senior Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies.


    GIGA Hamburg, Hamburg




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