Panel Discussion

German-New Zealand Diplomatic Relations at 70: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead




07:30 a.m. (CET)


08:30 a.m. (CET)

German-New Zealand Diplomatic Relations at 70: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead

  • Despite being separated by more than 18,000 kilometres, Germany and New Zealand entertain close ties. On top of trade and diplomatic consultations, substantial flows of both short-term visitors and long-term migrants connect the two countries. Ideas, innovations, and institutional designs have also travelled both ways. For example, New Zealand has employed a German-style electoral system since the 1990s. Both countries are free traders and supporters of multilateralism. In many ways, these are very like-minded countries that cooperate closely at the bilateral level, in the context of the Indo-Pacific, and at the global level. This year, Germany and New Zealand celebrate 70 years of diplomatic relations. We use this occasion to take stock of existing ties and to discuss areas which should see close(r) cooperation in the future.

    Speakers: Craig John Hawke is New Zealand’s Ambassador to Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Liechtenstein.

    Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner is Vice President of the GIGA and Professor of Political Science/Asian Studies at Universität Hamburg.

    Vangelis Vitalis is Deputy Secretary (Trade and Economic) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Wellington.

    Chair: Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner is Vice President of the GIGA and Professor of Political Science/Asian Studies at Universität Hamburg.


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