Online Conference

German Development Economics Conference 2021


17/06/2021 - 18/06/2021

Group of business people working from home, having video conference
© / Jacob Lund Photography

  • The annual “International Conference of the Research Group on Development Economics of the German Economic Association“ brings together international scholars and researchers of development economics and neighboring fields. On 17–18 June 2021, the experts will address issues of gender inequality, agriculture and technology, health and disease prevention, among others. Plenary sessions with keynote speakers and parallel sessions with contributed papers will reflect the current state of research in development economics and provide a forum for exchange for researchers and practitioners.

    The conference is jointly organised by Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Institute for the World Economy Kiel (IfW), KfW, German Economic Association, and the GIGA. Due to the COVID pandemic the event will be held fully virtual. To join the conference as a guest, please register.

    Thursday, 17 June | 3:30‒6:45 p.m. (CET) | Friday, 18 June | 9:00 a.m.‒6:00 p.m. (CET)

    Keynote Speakers: Prof. Dr. Anandi Mani is Professor of Behavioural Economics and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. Prof. Dr. Leonard Wantchekon is Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University, as well as Associated Faculty in Economics.

    Local Organisers: Prof. Dr. Dierk Herzer (HSU Hamburg) Apl. Prof. Dr. Jann Lay (GIGA Hamburg) Prof. Dr. Rainer Thiele (IfW Kiel)

    Selection Committee: Prof. Dr. Axel Dreher (Heidelberg University) Prof. Dr. Andreas Fuchs (University of Göttingen) Prof. Dr. Michael Grimm (University of Passau) Prof. Dr. Isabel Günther (ETH Zürich) Prof. Dr. Anke Hoeffler (University of Konstanz) Apl. Prof. Dr. Jann Lay (GIGA Hamburg) Prof. Dr. Matthias Schündeln (Goethe University Frankfurt) Prof. Dr. Rainer Thiele (IfW Kiel)


    Online event



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