Cooperation Event

Forging Bonds with Emigrants: Challenges for Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean


19/09/2017 - 20/09/2017

Picture of a yellow globus
© GIGA / Marein Kasiske

  • Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean are world regions with rich and complex migration histories. In a new era of transnationalism, they are increasingly facing the challenge of developing new policies that both recognise and protect emigrants’ rights while also allowing emigrants to have a say in the direction their home countries take. Nation states take a wide range of approaches to develop these links between emigrants and policies, reflecting their own traditions and goals.

    Bringing together leading policymakers, scholars, and civil society representatives from the European Union, Latin America, and the Caribbean, the seminar seeks to promote exchange, knowledge transfer, and learning within and across the EU and LAC regions on policies towards migrants.

    • In four roundtables, innovative, forward-looking research findings, as well as examples of innovative policies and good practices from Latin America, the Caribbean, and the EU, will be discussed and showcased.

    • At their book presentation “Emigrant Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean,” GIGA scholars will present their systematic analysis of 22 emigrant policies across Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Seating is limited; please register early to avoid disappointment.

    Opening ceremony of the Latin American and Caribbean Fall Festival and the seminar


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