The Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script" (SCRIPTS) seeks to explore and understand causes, types and consequences of contestations of what we call "the liberal way of organizing societies" from different disciplinary perspectives, focusing on the local, regional, and global level. For further information about the Cluster and its research agenda, please visit the website.
This conference will address the broad theme of "Asian scripts" (liberal or not) and the extent to which Asian states organize themselves and form alliances with each other based on these scripts' political and economic features. The conference is set in the context of the changing balance of power and the changing narratives about emerging power configurations. We aim to explore the extent to which the rise of alternative models presents a challenge to the liberal script and how other actors in the region are responding to a "Western" liberal script and the challenges. While the notion of the "Asian way" has served to counter American and thus liberal hegemony for some time, it is now "liberal visions" of society that serve as a counter-hegemonic script to increasing Chinese dominance.
The conference will take place virtually on 21–23 February 2022, and is hosted by the Cluster of Excellence SCRIPTS under the lead of GIGA President Prof. Amrita Narlikar and Prof. Michael Zürn.
As a follow-up to this conference, SCRIPTS' Knowledge Exchange Team organized in collaboration with the German Federal Foreign Office a closed-door panel discussion with high-ranking foreign policy practitioners and scholars. The panel discussion addressed questions regarding the liberal script in Asia, also in light of current developments, the Russian aggression, and Europe’s relation to the Indo-Pacific region.
GIGA President Prof. Amrita Narlikar served as moderator and speaker, sharing her analyses. The closed-door discussion with the title “The liberal script and the Indo-Pacific – strategies, narratives and perspectives” took place virtually on 27 April 2022.
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